Tweet and view your Twitter feed in Minecraft with this mod
The Twitter Block
Image may be NSFW.
Clik here to view.
- /tc authorize – starts authorization process.
- /tc confirm <pin> – finalizes the authorization process.
- /tweet – sends a tweet to your timeline.
How to Tweet Screenshots:
In Game, Hit F12 – This will take a screenshot of your screen, and post it to Twitter with a status message from the Configuration file!
If you don’t want the DEFAULT TWEET PIC TEXT:
- 1. Go to your .MINECRAFT\Configs folder.
- 2. Open Telecrapht.cfg
- 3. Edit the following:
- S:ScreenShotAnnouncement=Minecraft shenanigans brought to you by #Telecrapht to whatever you want. MAKE SURE IT’S UNDER 140 CHARACTERS
- 4. Save the file
- 5. Re-launch the game.
- Download and install Minecraft Forge installer
- Download Telecrapht Mod
- Unzip to .MINECRAFT DIRECTORY, it’ll put everything where it belongs.
- Launch Minecraft
- Once in, type /tc authorize.
- A link will be generated and output into chat. Click on this.
- You will be forwarded to Twitter to authorize the app. Click Authorize.
- You will be given a PIN number. Copy this to clipboard and go back into Minecraft.
- Type /tc confirm YOURPINHERE .. and hit enter
- You will get a success message.
You can now use the /tweet command and the twitter blocks!