Have you ever found yourself lonely in your world, with no-one to spend your time with? No story to minecraft? Or even just want to create an extraordinary adventure map? Well with the custom npcs mod you can fill your world with millions of fully customizable citizens, monsters, and animals. The mod comes with its own set skins for each npc type, but you can add your own also!
It also introduces new items such as the, Npc wand, and the npc cloner. Hold the npc wand, and right click to open an npc editor box, where you can create your npc, or right click an pre-made one to edit him/her…/monster. (DO NOT TRY TO EDIT A TESTIFICATE, IT DOESN’T WORK) The npc cloner allows you to save an existing npc by right clicking the npc with the npc cloner, To paste your npc that is cloned, just right click the ground with the npc cloner, and select your saved npc.
There are many different roles you can make your npc, such as:
- Gives items if you interact with him
- Gives items from his inventory
- Multiple giving options:
- A Random item
- All Items
- Only items the player doesnt have yet
- Gives items if the player doesnt own any of the given items
- You can also choose to only give the Items once or with a timer(in seconds)
- Will only give items again if you move atleast 10 blocks away from him
Trader Npc
- In the setup screen you can set what item is traded for what item
- Limit of 12 items
Mercenary Npc
- In the setup screen you can set what how many days you can hire him for and how much that costs
- When he dies or when the days are over he will respawn at his starting point.
Bank Npc
- Npcs set to the same bank are linked
- You can add multiple banks
- Banks can be set to start as a normal size chest and upgraded to a full sized chest
- Banks have 6 slots that can unlocked
Guard Npc
- Can be set to attack monsters
- Can be set to attack animals
- Agro range can be set (min 2 max 25 block range)
Transporter Npc
- Can be assigned to a transport category
- Can be set to available from the start of available right away
- Transporters need to have a transport name
- Interacting with a transporter will show a list with discovered transport names
- Selecting a location and pressing travel will teleport you to it
With this mod, you can also make npc’s sit down, lay down, or walk around!
This mod is amazing, by far my favourite, I love every aspect of it, I don’t know how I would survive without it. If you havn’t already downloaded it, do it now!!
How to install Custom NPCs Mod
- Download the zip
- The Download and install Minecraft Forge
- Browse into %appdata%/roaming/.minecraft/mods (if you dont have a mods folder, make one)
- Open minecraft.jar, and delete your META-INF folder.
- Close minecraft.jar
- Drag the entire zip file into your mods folder (DO NOT UNZIP IT)
- Done! enjoy your newly populated world