This is a co-op map, but can be played in single player.
Texture Pack: Atherys Ascended Texture Pack
- 6 unique boss fights
- Customized monsters
- Elite monsters that has 35% chances to drop Demonic Set
- Shops
- Item sets and other unique items
- No mods required
- Herobrine
- Storyline by commandblocks.
- 4 secret rooms
- Custom potions
- 1 to 2 hours of gameplay
Item example:
Important Server Settings
If you miss any of these settings, it will bug.
- allow-flight=true
- spawn-animals=false
- pvp=false
- enable-command-block=true
- view-distance=12
- spawn-npcs=true
Do not use beds, it will get you stuck and do some weird stuff!
How to kill the wither?
- The villager on the Wither platform sells a powerful bow for 10 Crystals of Anger that drops from Obsidian Skeletons.
- That bow has about 3 charges, make sure you don’t miss! I suggest buying 2 before shooting him, because he has regeneration.
- Also, the Holy Water dropping is very good for both defensive and offensive strategies!