RealLan is a minecraft mod that adds more to your lan server. It gives you many necessary commands like /ban,/kick,/whitelist,/op, and all other real Minecraft Server commands.
Current list of commands:
For op:
- /back
- /ban
- /ban-ip (You can put the person’s name and it will ban their IP)
- /bank
- /bank-balance
- /bank-create
- /bank-pay
- /bank-set
- /banlist
- /buy (No blocks, only items)
- /clear
- /debug
- /defaultgamemode
- /deop
- /difficulty
- /dragonnuke
- /enchant
- /explode
- /feed
- /fireworks
- /fog
- /gamemode
- /gamerule
- /give
- /god
- /heal
- /help
- /home
- /kick
- /kill
- /kittycannon
- /list
- /me
- /ninja (Its not clear in the name, but this creates a controlled explosion)
- /op
- /pardon
- /pardon-ip
- /prefix
- /pvp
- /save-all
- /save-off
- /save-on
- /say
- /seed
- /sell
- /sethome
- /setwarp
- /spawn
- /spawnpoint
- /stop
- /tell
- /time
- /toggledownfall
- /tp
- /weather
- /tpa
- /unban
- /unbanip
- /warp
- /weather
- /whitelist
- /whois
- /xp
For non-Op:
- /help
- /me
- /seed
- /sethome
- 1) Download RealLan Mod
- 2) Copy the files into your minecraft.jar that is in your Bin directory
- [Windows: %appdata%/.minecraft/bin ]
- [Mac: ~/Library/Application Support/minecraft ]
- [Linux: (your user directory)/.minecraft/bin ] (In linux, your minecraft folder is hidden by default to help your folder look less packed. You may need to do CTRL+H to see hidden folders)
- 3) Delete META-INF from your minecraft.jar
- 4) Open your minecraft with your ordinary Minecraft launcher
- 5) Start a lan server as usual