This mod is a “dimension”, so it adds the ability to teleport to another dimension called the Freezer, to teleport there, nothing more simple, just create “The flint and diamond” and create a portal to the nether normal but with ice obsidian ( Look at recipe ), and use the flint and diamond
In the Freezer, you’ll end up underground in a beautiful world made of stone freezer, ice, snow and water “half cold” that will make the damage. You will find of course frozen glowstone.
- 74 Blocks : Every block are different and some are totally awesome !
- 89 Items : I think a list will be too long
- 5 Complete tools : Arctite Tools, Snowbark Tools ,Crystal Tools, Frozen Cobble Stone Tools and Coldsteel Tools
- 1 special water : Frozen water ( You take damage on it ).
- 1 special fire : Blue fire, slow and damage you.
- 14 new mobs ( Fury boar, Glace, Ice Cube, Ice Pig Zombie, Cold Creeper, Scarab, Snow owl, Goat, Horned Goat, Woolly Mammoth, Yeti, 2 BOSS )
- 1 Dimension : Eternal Frost, totally epic generation to layer 256 !
- 2 Furnace : Ice Oven who can transform lot of things on other ( View Image bellow ), Frozen furnace wich is the inverse of Ice Oven.
- Structures : Mammoth Cavern, 2 Dungeons
- Many generation ( Icicle, Trees, Lake, Surface … )
- Epic items, armor to obtain in dungeon, totally unique.
- An hypothermia bar for more real thing.
- 15 sounds and some musics.
- 14 achievement : For make an objective.
- 5 Biomes, on surface for an epic generation : Freezer, Freezer Jungle, Eternal Moutain, Eternal Desert and Frozen Plain.
- A secret thing ( If you read that, try to make with a Frozen Relic, Book and Eternal Obsidian )
- Lot of things aren’t in this list … ( A huge huge list, pretty impossible to put everything )
- Download and install Minecraft Forge
- Download The Eternal Frost Mod zip file
- Put The Eternal Frost Mod zip file into your /.minecraft/mods folder. Do not unzip it.
- Done
- Same as client, but for minecraft_server.jar instead of minecraft.jar and DON’T DELETE META-INF