Cheat anything you want. Discover edges of Minecraft!
Cheating Essentials includes a lot of cheats to make the gameplay easier like: Fly, X-Ray, Auto-Respawn, Chest Finder, Killaura (Only for mobs), Waterwalk, Nofall, Sprint, Fastplace. All of these in only one mod, and toggleable by a simple GUI that can be get pressing “G”
Confirmed compatibility with: ModLoader, Optifine, FpsPlus and a lot of other mods
This mod is NOT meant to be used for griefing prouposes. It’s only for SMP and SSP cheating and for making the life in MC a little bit easier.
Keybinding: “G” Key: Open the Cheating Essentials GUI [Based in "The Colony" GUI (Open Source project)]
- Download and install Modloader or Optifine or Minecraft Forge (or may not)
- Delete META-INF file
- Download Cheating Essentials Mod
- Unzip file
- Drag and drop all files into your minecraft.jar
- Close “Minecraft.jar” and run minecraft!