This mod adds new kinds of Weapons, sticks, ores etc. in your Minecraft.
- The battleaxes are normal axes, but they take a lot of damage and their are very fast on wood!
- The Dopple Pickaxe is likely diamond, but takes a lot of damage too.
- The Fireobsidian Spade, Magma Spade and Ultraenderspade are normal spades, but very fast on dirt, sand etc. and take a lot of damage!
- There are at the moment three new ores in your Minecraft. Sapphire-, Ruby- and Silverore.
- They looks like emerald, but they’ve got other colours.
- The silverore drops silverore, but you can’t smelt them. (in the next update)
- The sapphire- and rubyore drop their gems; sapphire and ruby.
- New kinds of sticks are in the game too; stone-, iron-, gold- and diamondsticks.
- You can craft the stonestick with two cobblestones.
- The ironstick with two iron ingots.
- The goldstick with too gold ingots.
- And the diamondstick with two diamond.
- Download and install Minecraft Forge
- Download Epic Weapons Mod zip file
- Put Epic Weapons Mod zip file into your /.minecraft/mods folder. Do not unzip it.
- Done