This mod is an addon for ThaumCraft 4 about the good.
Visit the original mod thread here for all info.
- Tainted Ring, Necronomicon, Lost Bookpage & Eldritch Rune – These are used to unlock the different Tech-Trees. When you Rightclick with one of them, the corresponding Tree will get unlocked.
- Charm of the Death – Confuse all undeath creatures around you that they wont attack you anymore.
- Crystaline Bell – When you ring it, all your Dogs, Cats and Traveling Trunks will get Teleportet to you.
- Frozen Sunlight – When you’re in a cave, you can use this to teleport you to the entrance of the cave.
- Mask of Cruelty – When you look at a creature, it will start to take damage.
- Tainted Globe – This globe starts to glow, when Creeper are near you.
- Cloth- & Void-Caps – New Wand Caps.
- Vis-Filter- & Void-Rods – New Wand Rods.
- Magnetized Chestplate – Attracs every Item close to you.
- Angel Chest - More Storage than a Normal Chest.
- Thaumaturges Light – A good light source that also and prevents mobs from spawning in a certain Radius.
- Everful Urn - Infinit water source.
- Void Chest – Even more storage than the Angel Chest. More features in the future.
How to install:
- Download and install Minecraft Forge.
- Download and install Thaumcraft Mod.
- Download the mod.
- Go to %appdata%.
- Go to .minecraft/mods folder.
- Drag and drop the downloaded jar (zip) file into it.
- If one does not exist you can create one.
- Enjoy the mod.