Clay spawning in minecrafthas always been a bit strange. Firs if you remember in times before the big 1.8 update clay used to only spawn very rarely in deserts. That seemed a bit strange so in 1.8 they changed it to spawning commonly under rivers and lakes. That’s a bit more realistic then before, but now that’s the only place you can find clay! In the real world clay is almost as common as dirt. Yes you find it under rivers and lakes but yo also find it almost anywhere underground as well. Pam on the miencraftforums obviously thought the same thing thing when she made the Clay Spawn mod.
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As you can see from this image, clay is spawning naturally in the minecraft world with no water around! When you install this mod clay will not only spawn beneath water bodies, it will also spawn naturally (similar rarity to iron) underground. So when going mining you’ll have just as much chance to find clay as you will finding coal and iron. This is great people who love to use brick as building material or maybe just want minecraft to be a bit more realistic.
A small mod but a practical one. I highly recommend this mod to anyone that might want a bit more of a realistic minecraft experience. I personally really like his small addition.
How to Install Pam’s Clay Spawn Mod
- Download and install Minecraft Forge API
- Download Pam’s Clay Spawn mod.
- Place the .Zip in your mods folder.