- Dynamic Lighting!
- No FPS drop at all!
- 3D Items.
- Like and Amnsia mod.
- A basic component to start this mod!
- Just for crafting purposes!
Bottled fat:
- Use to create Lantern Oil!
Bio oil:
- Another method to create Lantern Oil!
Lantern oil:
- Fuel for the Lantern and for the Furance!
- Fill up the barrel.
- In the config you can set how many minutes one bottle add to the lantern.
- By default: 8 minutes/bottle.
Light bulb:
- Again, just for crafting!
AA Battery:
- Charges up the Flashlight or Minerhelmet.
- One battery charges the Flaslight/Minerhelmet Fully.
- Works like a torch, but you have to Light it or Unlight it, with FlintAndSteel.
- In survival it takes durbility from the FlintAndSteel(Changable in config).
- In creative you can turn on or off with bare hands without FlintAndSteel.
- Last forever and emits same light as a torch.
- Also for crafting recipes!
- Decorative purposes only!
- Just like a Candle, but its more brighter.
- For instant refuel purposes.
- Right click with empty hand to get the oil level.
- Right click with Lantern Oil to fuel it up.
- In creative one bottle fills it up fully, in survival adds 8 minutes/bottle(Changable via config).
- Right click with a Lantern(OFF) and refuel it to max instantly.
- In creative its got unlimited uses.
- Can hold up to 128 minutes of oil (Changable in config).
- Gives off little amount of light, but least forever.
- Rightclick on the ground to place it and light it with FlintAndSteel.
- SHIFT + Rightclick again to pick it back up.
- Pressing F while holding it(Have a FlintAndSteel in your inventory in survival) also activate/deactivate it.
- Gives off big light, but requires fuel.
- To fuel it place it in the crafting table with Lantern Oil.
- Only Lantern off can be fueled!
- It can hold 32 minute of fuel by default.(Can be changabe in config!)
- Place on the ground or hang it on cellings(Has to be a solid surface).
- Rightclick with FlintAndSteel to activate/deactivate.
- SHIFT + Rightclick to pick it back up.
- F to activate/deactivate it in hand.
- The lantern block aslo eats up the fuel(Changable in cofig!), but if you right click with Lantern oil you can fuel it that way too.
- If you place it to the 9th hotbar slot and F on something else you can DUAL WIELD.
- In creative it don’t requite fuel(Least one bottle so you can lit it.).
- Requires AA Battery to work.
- By default its working for 32 minutes/charege(Changable in config).
- F to activate/deactivate.
- Lightlevel changes by the distance.
- In creative it don’t require energy.
- Works like a Flashlight, except you put this one on your head.
- Add a bit armor to the player since it a Minerhelmet.
World gen:
- New village house is added to villages.
- Its got a Lantern and Barrel in it with random Fuel values.
- You can find treasures in chests too.
- Double cook Porkchop(Gives 2) or Raw Beef(Gives 2) or Raw Chicken(Gives 1, coz they small animals).
- Fat and Sugarcane = 4.
Candle = 6:
- Air-Air-Air
- Wax-String-Wax
- Wax-Stick-Wax
Bottled Fat:
- 2 Fat and a Glassbottle.
Bio oil:
- Wheat-SugarCane-Wheat
- SugarCane-Glassbottle-SugarCane
- Wheat-SugarCane-Wheat
Lantern oil:
- Cook Bottled Fat or Bio Oil.
- Air-RedstoneTorch-Air
- Iron-Repeater-Iron
- Iron-Redstone-Iron
To charge it up(The Battery):
- Battery and a Redstone block.
Light bulb:
- Glasspane-Redstone-Glasspane
- Air-Iron-Air
- Air-Air-Air
- Air-Air-Stick
- Iron-Candle-Iron
- Air-Iron-Air
Chandelier = 2:
- Air-Iron-Air
- Candle-WoodenFence-Candle
- Candle-WoodenFence-Candle
- Planks-Planks-Planks
- Plans-Air-Planks
- WoodenSlab-Stick-WoodenSlab
- Iron-Stick-Iron
- Glasspane-Candle-Glasspane
- Iron-Iron-Iron
- Iron-Stick-Iron
- Glasspane-Light bulb-Lever
- Iron-Iron-Iron
- Iron-Flashligh-Iron
- Iron-Air-Iron
- Air-Air-Air
How to install:
- Download and install Minecraft Forge.
- Download the mod.
- Go to %appdata%.
- Go to .minecraft/mods folder.
- Drag and drop the downloaded jar (zip) file into it.
- If one does not exist you can create one.
- Enjoy the mod.
- IDs
- Light level can be changed here.
- Fuel and Battery settings.
- 3D item can be toggable here.
- Render style:Basically its just FULL(Show On and Off models), AMNESIA(Only On models showed Off are hided).