- Emerald Armor. This armor is slightly better than diamond, and is twice as enchantable, however, you need emeralds!
- Obsidian Armor. This armor is nearly 2 times diamond and will protect you from any attack, explosion, etc. that may come your way. These pieces of armoraren’tcrafted easily, you need to make obsidian plating to craft them!Additionally, the hardened glass is very hard to enchant, so you may want to stick to your emerald for that!
- Crystal Armor. This includesRubies, Green, Blue, and YellowSapphires, Thesepiecesof armor have the protection of Iron, but the durability of Diamond.
- Stone Armor. This armor is crafted with stone (hence stone
). It has slightly more durability and protection than leather.
- Wood Armor. This armor is crafted with pure planks, making it a great early start as far as armour goes. This is weaker and has less protection that leather however.
- Steel Armor – Steel Armor has the protection of Iron, but the durability of Diamond.
- Titanium Armor – Steel Armor has the protection and durability of Iron, but is more enchantable
- Endium Armor – Endium Armor has 2 times the strength of obsidian, and lasts for 2x as long!This is a end game item! It requires endium plates! A Endium Chestplate is stronger than an entire diamond set!
- Quartz Armor – This armor has the same strength and durability as crystal, but is more enchantable than emerald!
- Metal Armor – This includes copper and tin, it is slightly worse than iron.
- Bronze Armor- This armor is slightly better than iron but has the same enchantability.
- Emerald Tools – Emerald tools are slightly stronger and faster than diamond, and twice as enchantable.
- Obsidian Tools – Obsidian tools are 3 times more durable than diamond, and 64% faster. However, like their obsidian armor parts, they require obsidian plating and are hardly enchantable.
- Crystal Tools – These includeRubiesand all Sapphires. They are asefficientas iron, but last as long as diamond!
- Steel Tools – This is as efficient as iron, but last as long as diamond!
- Titanium Tools – Titanium is as efficient and has the durability of iron, but is more enchantable
- Endium Tools – Endium Tools has 2 times theefficiencyof obsidian, and lasts for 2x as long!This is a end game item! It requires endium plates!
- Quartz Tools – This armor has the sameefficiencyand durability as crystal, but is more enchantable than emerald!
- Metal Armor – This includes copper and tin, it is slightly less efficient than iron, and has half of the durability.
- Bronze Armor- This armor is more efficient than iron and has 3 times the durability ( half of diamond! ).
- All multi tools are as fast as their pickaxe/axe/shovel counterparts, they are crafted with an axe, pickaxe, and shovel all of the same material and then with 2 sticks underneath.Multi Toolsdo not do attack damage as swords do though!
- AllBattle Axesdo 1 heart more than their sword counterparts and can chop down anything a normal axe can.(hint: you can block with these)
- AllKnives do a mere half of their sword counterparts but uses half the materials. (hint: you can block with these)
- Honey Bread and Butter Bread- This bread will fill you up! Apiecewill give you 4hunger pointseach, and they last a considerable amount of time until you become hungry again. Honey (see Misc) can be crafted with bread to make Honey Bread, and Butter Bread is crafted with Butter and bread (see Misc)
- Beehives – These little hives spawn around the world in place of leaves, when broken, it drops 1 – 4 honey. No tools are required for these! (You will need to generate a new world or new chunks to get these, and they are not too common)
- Honey – This is used to craft honey bread, at the moment, there is no other use
- Butter – This is used to craft butter bread, at the moment, there is no other use, this is crafted by placing a bucket full of milk (anywhere) in a crafting table
- Crystal Ores – (rubies, sapphires) These ores drop their respective crystal and spawn at 49 and below in veins up to 3.
- Crystal Blocks (rubies, sapphires) These blocks are user made and are for decoration or make your storage more compact.
- Steel – Used to make armor and tools, and is smelted from iron ingots
- Titanium – Used to make armor and tools, and is smelted from titanium ore.
- Titanium Ore – This ore spawns at 36 and below and spawns in veins up to 5.
- Titanium and Steel Blocks – These blocks are user made and are for decoration or make your storage more compact.
- Goggles of Vision – These little goggles can be used to brighten up the world and last forever!
- Goggle Lens – These are the bread and butter, the starting point, for goggles
- Chipset of Vision – This, when combined with two lens, will create the goggle of vision, try messing around with your diamond carrots, redstone, and iron, to build one of these
- Diamond Carrot – This is used to craft the Chipset of Vision, as of 1.4.1, you will get 6 hunger full “hunger” points as of eating this. To craft this you need to surround a golden carrot with diamond nuggets.
- Diamond Nugget – This is used to craft the Diamond Carrot, at the moment, there is no other use.
- Chains – These are used to create chainmail! Use the chains in the fashion of any other armor to create chainmail. To create these, put 1 steel, or iron in the crafting table or 2×2 portable crafting table, steel will give you 8 and iron will give you 4
- Corn – This can be found in dungeons and jungle temples, you can plant this to get more corn
- Turnips – This can be found in dungeons and jungle temples, you can plant this to get more turnips, and can be cooked to make a cooked turnip
- Cooked Turnip – This gives you twice the hunger points that of the turnip.
- Endium Ore – This rare ore spawns only in the end, and drops 1 endium each. It spawns in veins up to 4.
- Endium – This endgame item is used to make endium plates.
- Endium Plate – This endgame item can be used to craft endium tools and armor, to craft it, put 1 endium and 1 obsidian plate anywhere in the crafting table
- Endium Block -This block is user made and is for decoration or to make your storage more compact.
- Nether Ores – This includes all MoreMinecraft and vanilla ores, some ores require smelting, some ores drop their counterparts. They spawn everywhere in the nether. (Including diamond!)
- Ender Ores -This includes all MoreMinecraft and vanilla ores, some ores require smelting, some ores drop their counterparts. They spawn from 61 to the void.
- Chipset of Better Health – This fancy gadget is crafted using some iron, redstone, and an enchanted golden apple, this can be used to craft the Plating of Dual Hearts
- Plating of Dual Hearts – This gadget will grant you hunger points (saturation) and regeneration III as long as the user is wearing it.
- Staff of Teleportation – Right clicking with this handy device will spawn a Diamond Enderpearl before your very eyes! Staff can only spawn 64 diamond ender pearlsbefore breaking.
- Diamond Enderpearl – This is used to craft the staff of teleportation, at the moment it cannot be thrown itself, as of 1.4.1, this can be thrown and you will take no damage!
- Chipset of Teleportation – This gadget allows the Diamond Enderpearl to reproduce itself when combined with a stick and the crested pearl
- Chipset of Ejection – This chip allows things to eject things at high speeds! It is made with a piston surrounded by redstone and iron,
- Potato Launcher – This handy device will let you kill yourenemiesfrom long distances, the gun will shoot potatoes first, then cooked potatoes, then poisonous potatoes, the cooked potatoes also sets the entity it hits on fire, and the poisonous poison them.To craft this, combine this with a potato and a UnattunedLauncher
- Quartz Alloy – This is used to craft all the quartz tools and armor, play around with some iron and quartz to craft this!
- Copper – This can be made by smelting copper ore and is used to make bronze and copper tools and copper armor.
- Tin – This can be made by smelting tin ore and is used to make bronze and tin tools and tin armor.
- Bronze – This can be made by combining copper and tin and is used to make the shiny bronze armor and tools.
- Jump Boots – These boots make you jump a half block higher by using chipset of ejection in a unique way! Great for those pesky fences.
- Motor – This item can be used to make different gadgets and is made purely of iron and redstone!
- Leggings of Swiftness – This fancy gadget lets you run twice as fast! Play around with some motors, chipset of better health, and some iron to make this!
- Unattuned Launcher -Play around with some buttons, redstone, iron, and chipsets to build this!
- Arrow Launcher – This works like a bow but can rapid fire to make a stream of arrows, and itdoesn’tslow you down! To craft this, combine this with a arrow and a UnattunedLauncher
- Chipset of Electrolyzing – This chip can give a electric shock (out of no where) and therefor gives some items some unique effects, craft this like and other chip but with a redstone block.
- Scuba Helmet – Utilizes the Chipset of Electrolyzing to give you infinite breath while your underwater!
- Chocolate Cake – This is crafted like a normal cake just with a little cocoa beans in between the delicate wheat, it heals you twice as much as normal cake.
How to install:
- Download and install Minecraft Forge.
- Download the mod.
- Go to %appdata%.
- Go to .minecraft/mods folder.
- Drag and drop the downloaded jar (zip) file into it.
- If one does not exist you can create one.
- Enjoy the mod.