Highlands was created to make exploring and living in the world of Minecraft more fun. It adds many more mountains and hills than in vanilla Minecraft. It includes many varied environments and sub-biomes that represent features like mountains, lakes, forest clearings, valleys, and islands. It uses no modded blocks in world generation, so worlds created with Highlands can be enjoyed by anyone with Minecraft.
All of the trees’ saplings can be created in survival mode, so you can add a unique touch of greenery to your structures and landscapes, build an epic treehouse, or chop down enough wood to last a lifetime. They require a bit of exploring to get, though, you will have to gather different types of wood and venture to the nether for soul sand before you can grow them.
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Highlands also makes it more fun to explore underground. Most of biomes added by this mod have increased amounts of certain ores (usually, double normal). This way, you can find a certain biome to mine for diamonds, and another for iron, but you won’t find more of both in the same biome. Try and find out for yourself which biomes have more of which ores!
If you just want to get rolling in diamonds as soon as possible:
- Alps, Pinelands, and Mountains have more iron.
- Autumn Woods, Savannah, and Outback have more gold.
- Cliffs have all ores generate up to double height, with the same frequency.
- Highlands, Mixed forests, Tall Pine Forests, and Bogs have more coal.
- Tundra will generate ice underground (same frequency as coal).
- Woodland Mountains and Meadows have more diamonds and more underground water (Woodland Mountains also have more waterfalls).
- Rainforests and Tropics have more redstone and lapis lazuli.
- Volcanoes have double or triple of all ores, but have lava underground at the same frequency as iron.
There are two world types, Highlands and Highlands LB (Large Biomes). You can also use Highlands with default worlds, for compatibility with other mods.
Highlands was inspired mostly by Biomes o’ Plenty and ExtraBiomesXL (two amazing mods that are both compatible with Highlands, if you edit a few settings).
- 26 new biomes
- 10 new tree types
- Highlands and Highlands Large Biomes World Types
- biome-specific ore generation (some biomes have more ores!)
- All trees can be grown with saplings and bonemeal
- More mountainous terrain
- Mountains, lakes, and valleys
- Villages in more biomes
- Uses Forge
- Download and install Minecraft Forge
- Download Highlands Mod zip file
- Put Highlands Mod zip file into your /.minecraft/mods folder. Do not unzip it
- Highlands will generate a settings file the first time you run Minecraft
- If you are upgrading from an older version, make sure to delete your old HighlandsSettings.txt file first
- Run Minecraft and Enjoy