Custom Steve is a mod which enables you to change the model of Steve in Minecraft. Which differentiates it from other mods is that it can import models of industry standard into Minecraft.
- OS at least Windows 7 (not yet support the linux or mac os.)
- 64bits JRE(32bits only works with Miku model)
How to install:
- Download and install Minecraft Forge
- Download and install Render Player API
- Download the mod
- Find the location of .minecraft folder (C:Users[Your computer user]AppDataroaming.minecraft)
- Put CustomSteve***-Beta.jar into .minecraft/mods
- Extract CustomSteve*** to the root directory of Minecraft(which is at the same level as .minecraft)
- (*** is the version of the mod. e.g 162)
- Enjoy
Replacing models:
- Open CustomSteve/CS.txt,replace “Miku” with “yaya” or “Flandre”
- Currently our mod support model files of pmd format,and action files of vmd format.
- Only texture files of png or bmp format are supported.
- If texture files of tga format are detected in original files, they will be converted into png format.
- You can transplant weapon (a square and a skeleton) included in my models to your models, then your models will have a weapon in hand
- model files are located in CustomStevemodels
- texture files are located in .minecraftassetstextures