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Craft your favorite youtubers in Minecraft.
Step On or Right Click the Blocks to get Effects From your Favorite Youtubers.
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Just Find Youtuber Ore:
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Then Surround an Item in a Crafting Table with the Youtube Essence:
- PopularMMOs: Diamond Block
- SkydoesMinecraft: Gold Block
- Yogscast Simon: Cookie
- Yogscast Lewis: Book
- Yogscast Sips: Dirt
- Yogscast Sjin: Diamond Hoe
- Yogscast Duncan: Piston
- Munchingbrotato: Potato
- TheDiamondMinecart: Minecart
- CaptainSparklez: Nether Star
- Deadlox: Bone
- MinecraftUniverse: Raw Porkchop
- VideoMakerGuy: Diamond Pickaxe
- Sethbling: Redstone Block
- AntVenom: Spider Eye
- ASFJerome: Wool
- BajanCanadian: Bow
- Bashur: Melon
- CavemanFilms: Stone
- Notch: Golden Apple
- Sarc: Redstone Repeater
- SSundee: Iron Sword
- Stampy: Bucket of Milk
- ThnxCya: Note Block
- Tobuscus: Diamond Sword
- Dartron: Diamond Chestplate
- TCTNGaming: Blaze Powder
- ChimneySwift: Bricks
- ZexyZek: TNT
- Bodil40: Leaves
- PauseUnPause: Boat
- Hypixel: Stone Bricks
- AviatorGaming: Gunpowder
- NoahCraftFTW: Flint and Steel
- Gizzy14Gazza: Raw Beef
- BebopVox: Diamond
- SeaNanners: Bucket of Water
- IHasCupquake: Cake
- JackerTud: Item Frame
- Yogscast Martyn: Sappling
- Annoying Orange: Apple
You can also craft the Honorable Mentions Block which shows some of my favorite starting youtubers. To craft it, just fill a crafting table with youtuber essence.
The Honorable Mentions Block includes:
- Calitherolls
- Devine Darkness
- The Sploochers
- Werty
- The Mr.RpgLife
- TheXenvex
How to install:
- Download and install Minecraft Forge.
- Download the mod.
- Go to %appdata%.
- Go to .minecraft/mods folder.
- Drag and drop the downloaded jar (zip) file into it.
- If one does not exist you can create one.
- Enjoy the mod.