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SoulCraft is a mod that allows you to harness and collect Soul power in order to create new Tools and Armor that will make you very powerful.
Each mob specific tool comes with its own special ability:
- Zombie – Sword & Tools – Regeneration & Auto-repair
- Spider – Sword & Tools- Poison & Silk Touch
- Blaze – Sword, Tools & Bow – Fire Aspect, Auto-Smelt & Flame
- Enderman – Sword & Tools- Teleportation & Ender Miner
- Creeper – Bow (gun) – Explosive
- Fish – Armor – Water God
- Lost Soul – Armor – Speed + Hover
- SOUL – Armor & Tools – Combines all the above + Flight!
Hidden Tips:
- Clear glass is the same thing as regular glass, but its clear
- Soul glass allows player to walk right through it, but when any other mobs try to do that, they die immediately
- Clear Soul Glass is the same thing as Soul Glass, but it is completely transparent
- To get the trapped lost soul, right click a lost soul with an empty Soul Trap
- Soul-Infused ore spawns under level 40 (Y Coordinate)
- Mob specific swords do +3 damage to their respective mobs (spider sword does an extra 3 damage to spiders)
- The fish armor allows you to walk on water. To go underwater, you press shift. To get out of the water, you press shift and space.
- To teleport with the endermen sword, shift-right click while pointing at a block and you will be teleported to it.
- To teleport with the Soul v2 sword, shift-right click at a block. To heal using the sword, just right click with the sword in hand.
- If you are wearing full Lost Soul Armor, jump and sneak(hold space & shift at the same time) and you will float in the air(hover)
How to install:
- Download and install Minecraft Forge.
- Download the mod.
- Go to %appdata%.
- Go to .minecraft/mods folder.
- Drag and drop the downloaded jar (zip) file into it.
- If one does not exist you can create one.
- Enjoy the mod.