This new mod by iChun is adds a giant pink meteor that falls from the sky and spawns a giant pig into your world. This mod adds a block of compressed raw porkchops be be built with! Oinks when you place/punch/walk on it! It also adds a really big pig which can be ridden and steered with a carrot on a stick.
Compressed Raw Porkchop (Can also be uncrafted)
- Mod is not finished yet. The builds available is for Minecraft 1.7.2.
- Potentially laggy with all the block entities it spawns when the meteorite crashes down.
- Meteorites may not seem to spawn. This is a bug with Minecraft. If you eventually enter the chunk the meteorite is in, it’ll activate and cause destruction as intended.
- There is NO WAY to kill Pigzilla. Once you have him in your world, he’s staying. (Unless he falls out of the world)
- To ride Pigzilla you need to right click his bounding box between his feet, near the ground. NOT on his body.
- You cannot morph into Pigzilla. This is intentional.
- Pigzilla may get stuck in certain positions and he may carve a ring around his feet.
How to install:
- Download and install Minecraft Forge.
- Download the mod.
- Go to %appdata%.
- Go to .minecraft/mods folder.
- Drag and drop the downloaded jar (zip) file into it.
- If one does not exist you can create one.
- Enjoy the mod.