This is an awesome mod that adds the game of quidditch to minecraft. QuidCraft the best experience close to magic!
How to use:
Broom controls:
- C moves up, LeftControl moves down, WASD moves like normal walking
- Broom: Craftable via wheat and sticks; can be mounted like a boat and flies with controls similar to creative flight (C moves up, Ctrl moves down, WASD moves as walking)
- Quaffle: Craftable via leather; can be thrown like an egg, falls slower though, is picked up when a player collides with it allowing for easy passing and interceptions
- Bludger: Craftable via iron; once released they will seek out the nearest player and attempt to bash into them. Contact will push the player away, and has a chance to knock them off their broom and the quaffle out of their hand
- Snitch: Craftable via gold and feathers; once released will fly away from the nearest player and dart randomly
- Beater Bat: Craftable via sticks and wood; used by beaters to smack bludgers away
- Bludger/Snitch Gloves:
Craftable via iron and leather respectively; used by a referee to capture bludgers and a seeker to catch the snitch (this is subject to change) - Jersey/Headband: Craftable via wool; behaves like armor (chestplate and helmet) with very high durability so they shouldn’t ever break mid-match. Right click with one in hand to change its color
- Goal Block: Block made of wool; behaves similar to fences/portal blocks when placed. When a quaffle goes through it turns green and stops the quaffle from moving further away. This makes it easy to see when a goal is made and keeps the players from pointlessly fetching the quaffle
- Quidditch Chest: A Block made from a quaffle, 2 bludgers, a snitch, and a chest. When right clicked it spawns a premade quidditch pitch into the world centered on itself
How to install:
- Download and install Minecraft Forge
- Download the mod
- Go to %appdata%
- Go to .minecraft/mods folder
- Drag and drop the downloaded jar (zip) file into it
- If one does not exist you can create one
- Enjoy the mod