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[1.7.10] Adventurer’s Amulets Mod Download


Adventurers Amulets Mod [1.7.10] Adventurer’s Amulets Mod Download

Adventurer’s Amulets uses the Baubles API, written by Azanor, to add a bunch of helpful items and utilities that can all be equipped via the Baubles Inventory. In addition, the mod also adds a Crafting Rune, a unique crafting system with no GUI’s at all.

Baubles is an API created by Azanor that adds 4 inventory slots to the player, allowing for 1 pendant2 rings and 1 beltAdventurer’s Amulets utilities this to add some themed items that can be used to give you flight, allow you to access your Ender Chest inventory from anywhere or to walk on water… well… skip.

Adventurers Amulets Mod 3 [1.7.10] Adventurer’s Amulets Mod Download



Pendants are used for defense. They will passively protect you from a type of damage, based on their type. For example, the Windmaker’s Pendant will protect you from all fall damage, whilst the Infernal Pendant will protect you from any Fire Damage. An extra layer of defense will also be available, and can be toggled on or off via a key-bind (set your controls menu).


Belts will assist the user passively. The belts will all allow you to get from A to B much easier, in a variety of different ways. As an example, the Windmaker’s Belt allows you to walk much faster and the Transposing Belt allows you to teleport around the world at speed. By pressing the key-bind, you will gain access to another utility feature such as access to your Ender Chest or the ability to place lights if it gets too dark.


In Baubles, you have two ring slots, this means that you can choose from a variety of different combinations. As a general rule, rings are there to assist you through abilities such as Flight, but can also be used as an offensive weapon.


Charge is the way that all of your Baubles are powered within Adventurer’s Amulets. Each set of Baubles is powered in a different way, as detailed below.


All Windmaker’s items will gain charge if you are standing above Y-level 200. They do so at a pretty fast rate, so building your home in the skies might not be a bad idea.


All Infernal items will gain charge if you are in a hot place. If you are burning, they will gain charge (fire resistance potions work). Alternatively, just being in the Nether will gain you all the charge you will need. If you are a pyromaniac, you might want to settle in the Nether.


All Aquatic items will gain charge from being in the water. If you just stand in 1 block of water or more, your items will start to gain charge. If you can control the tides, the ocean will become your home.


All Floral items will gain charge whilst you are in direct sunlight. If it is sunny outside, and there are no blocks between you and the sky, you will start to gain charge. Let the rays of the sun beam down on you, and nature will become your shelter.


All Transposing items will gain charge whilst you are in the End. No matter where you are in the End, you will gain charge. If you don’t look at the Endermen, they won’t hurt you and the End will be your beginning.

Focus Crystals

You can’t always be in the right place at the right time, and that’s where Focus Crystals come in! Just like the Baubles, if you have them in your inventory they will charge, but they will also charge your Baubles for you. Take your floral items into the depths of hell? Go right ahead.

Crafting Rune

The crafting rune is used in order to obtain the mundane versions of the belt, ring and pendant, as well as some other neat features. In order to use it, place it in the world and surround it with the necessary items for the recipe required and right click. Currently, there is no way to view the recipes in-game, so I have explained the necessary ones around.

Adventurers Amulets Mod 1 [1.7.10] Adventurer’s Amulets Mod Download

Adventurers Amulets Mod 2 [1.7.10] Adventurer’s Amulets Mod Download

Please note – the top of the crafting grid is the NORTH compass direction. It WILL NOT work if you face any other direction. Use the F3 menu to find out which direction you are facing.

Place it in the world, and surround the sides and corners with a certain material (see below) to obtain that type of rune.

  • Cloud -> Windmaker’s
  • Lava -> Infernal
  • Water -> Aquatic
  • Grass -> Floral
  • End Stone -> Transposing

How to install:

  • Download and install Minecraft Forge.
  • Download and install Baubles Mod.
  • Download the mod.
  • Go to %appdata%.
  • Go to .minecraft/mods folder.
  • Drag and drop the downloaded jar (zip) file into it.
  • If one does not exist you can create one.
  • Enjoy the mod.

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