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[1.4.7] JR Craft V4 – Fly at will, Less restrictions, More action


jrcraftlogo [1.4.7] JR Craft V4   Fly at will, Less restrictions, More action


Latest news: New war arena called Pirates! do /warhub and join the battle, there will be more warzones like this soon, we hope you enjoy this experience, TNT cannons and more icon biggrin [1.4.7] JR Craft V4   Fly at will, Less restrictions, More action

Simple Information for Simple People icon wink [1.4.7] JR Craft V4   Fly at will, Less restrictions, More action

  •  Random rewards + 500 Cash for voting ! http://vote.jrcraft.net
  •  Multiple Worlds (RPG Survival / Survival / Skylands / Creative / Nether + Ender)
  •  Users can use Fly Mod using /fly + /flyspeed anywhere but warhubs and MA
  •  Multiple Minigames Including spleef, CTF, mobarena
  •  Huge community with over 15,000 Members
  •  We will not delete our map
  •  We have been running a minecraft server for over 2 years
  •  We are in the most popular / viewed on PMC
  •  Staff listen and take part.
  • We protect, we allow users to use LWC, World Guard and mods + have Logblock access.
  • Weekly building competitions for free JR Premium apply here: http://jrurl.at/buildcomp
  • We have one of the most powerful servers in Minecrafting! 64 GB RAM and 2x 120 GB SSD’s icon biggrin [1.4.7] JR Craft V4   Fly at will, Less restrictions, More action (more specs ofc than that)

More Informative Information:

Welcome to JRCraft, A server which redefines minecraft, Multiple worlds such as Main (RPG / Warzones / Survival Areas) Survival, Skylands, Nether, Ender, Creative. are all on the one server, no need to change servers for different game modes. Our goal is to keep you the community happy. 

Not happy with anything, tell us. We will fix it, Our staff listen to our members, everyone is treated equally at JRCraft. We are not in it for the money, we are in it for the community. Any donations we get are pumped straight back in to the funding of JR.


~ What we have on our server 


1. Fly-  Since we as a server like to do something different than most other minecraft servers we have allowed the use of flymods  and have our own built in plugin that allows you to have creative flying with the command /fly!

2. Worlds-  In total right now we have 6 worlds in all! They range from the nether, ender, old survival, new survival (main), skylands and our free-build/creative map for you to enjoy!

3. RPG- we have a brand new RPG system for the server! Just meet the random npc’s littered around the map to play!

4. New Spawn!- Our new spawn city has come to JR explore the mysteries as you walk through it built by the staff of JR and one guy from VoxelBox!

And much more!

~ Explanation of the JRCraft Ranks ~

1. Tourist - Basic rank for newcomers. Tourists may place/destroy blocks and enjoy many features of our survival world, but are limited to few commands, most plugins are not available to you, and you cannot fly.

2. Citizen - Citizens have registered at reg.jrcraft.net and may enjoy the unrestricted rights of a full member.  Citizens may fly, access all worlds, utilize our economy, and more. 

3. Citizen+ - Users who have proven themselves dedicated to JRCraft’s community by taking an active part in its website, forums, and Mumble chat channel.

4. JRPremium - Platinum Members donate €10.00/mo to assist with the upkeep and maintenance of JRCraft. We reward Platinum Members’ generosity by providing them with plenty of intriguing perks. Platinum members may manage their own free clan website, courtesy of JRNetwork, and enjoy an increased number of features in-game, including kits and more! All donations go directly towards the improvement of JR.

5. Helper- These guys are basically the Staff in training picked by the Moderators and admins based on the applications sent in. these guys are to help with minor disputes and can Kick people out of a server if need be. If there is a problem in the server that is mostly Minor  or if you are being harassed then you talk to them

5. GriefPoliceGriefPolice are the first “real” staff in JR they mostly handle griefs and hand out bans to people who break the server rules. Citizens are only to ask a griefpolice for help if their creation has been griefed or if someone is not playing by the rules

6. Moderator- Moderators do everything that Griefpolice do and more! If you need anything other than griefing help contact a moderator

7. Admins- These guys are the big dogs of the server. These people were hand picked by the owner to staff the server and keep everything basically in check.


~ Server Specifications ~

JRCraft is supported by a watercooled server in a controlled environment running on:

- 64 GB DDR3 RAM
- 2x 120GB SSD SATA III Drives @ 6Gbps
- 2x 2TB HDD’s  SATA III Drives @ 6Gbps
- 1 GB/s connection
- Unlimited bandwidth
- Intel Xeon E5 E5-1620 @ 3.6 Ghz (8 Core)

Our Server IP: play.jrcraft.net

Register at reg.jrcraft.net

Vote for us at: vote.jrcraft.net

Teamspeak: pnx.jrnetwork.net

Mumble: pnx.jrnetwork.net

Additional Details

RPG, War Games, Mob arena and more!

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