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[1.7.10] EnviroMine Mod Download


What EnviroMine mod does?

EnviroMine adds that little bit more realism to Minecraft by making the environment an extra game play element adding in hydration, body temperature, sanity, air quality and physics. Villages can contain mineshafts that go down to almost bedrock making them a valuable addition to villages and players.


  • Hydration: Keep hydrated by carrying those once useless water bottles around with you or drink from a water source with an open hand but be careful where you drink from. Water quality can be bad in some areas and have dangerous side effects. Distil in a furnace or heat a cauldron from below to clean your water if no clean water is available.
  • Body Temperature: Snow biomes pose a serious threat to your health if you are not properly prepared to traverse the tundra. Deserts aren’t so bad as long as you have a constant supply of clean water and don't wear iron armor in the heat of the sun. Low temperatures result in frostbite where high temperatures cause rapid dehydration and, in extreme cases, spontaneous combustion!
  • Sanity: Low sanity can result in hearing things that aren’t there (and no-one else can hear) as well as vison impairment in severe cases. Stay in the light, avoid zombies, try not to be hit by endermen and have a garden of flowers on hand to fix your sanity.
  • Air Quality: It’s never good for your health to spend long periods of time underground with no clean source of air. Torches don’t do much to your air quality but lava and fires will. Keep an ventilation shaft or a supply of leaves handy to prevent suffocation.
  • Physics: Make sure your buildings are structurally stable and mines won’t collapse under your feet. Scaffolding may help in the construction of your buildings but that is completely up to you.
  • New Recipes: Add snowballs to clean water to get cold water. Saddles are now craftable by making a pants shape with leather in the top 2 rows and iron in the bottom. Put salt/dirty/cold water bottles in a furnace to distil them into clean water.

How to install EnviroMine Mod:

  • Download and install Minecraft Forge
  • Download the mod
  • Put downloaded zip file into C:UsersYOURUSERNAMEAppDataRoaming.minecraftmods folder. Do not unzip it. If you don’t have a mods folder, create one
  • Enjoy the mod

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