This map is a multiplayer minigame where you need to replicate the picture in front of you as fast as possible. The last person who did not copy the picture in time lose a life. The last man standing wins.
Really simple, very fun. And to make this a little harder, you have few items with unique effects. The map is playable with up to 10 players (a spectator mode is available) & everything is automated.
Let’s Play:
There’s many settings to customize your experience with this game:
Settings: You can change the number of lives, the time limit, the way pictures are generated and choose to use or not powerups.
Right-click the sign with the options to edit them.
Super Items (optionnal – disabled by default): Super Items are here to help you… or to disturb your fellows. There’s 8 items, each one have a special effect (freeze players, give nausea…) and you can only use 1 per round.
Spectator mode: This map is using the new and awesome spectator mode.
Connection & Deconnection: If a player join the server during a game, he will be automatically in spectator mode.
How to install:
- Download the map.
- Extract file.
- Go to %appdata%.
- Go to .minecraft/saves folder.
- Drag map folder into it.
- Start minecraft.
- Enjoy and play.
The map works both single player and multiplayer.