The Dalek Mod is a modification that is perfect for all of the Doctor Who lovers out there! However, I personally think that you can enjoy the features that this mod brings to vanilla Minecraft even if you are not a fan of the series. The Dalek Mod for Minecraft 1.7.10 and 1.7.2 is a vast mod that covers all areas of the game, from combat features to crafting recipes. In this expansive mod, additions include the likes of different coloured Daleks, different Doctor cars and even the famous Tardis! This mod is a must have for all Doctor Who lovers, but is a fantastic mod regardless!
Dalek Mod Main Features
- Dalek colours include red, yellow, blue, black, gold and even stone Daleks are added!
- This mod is available for both client and server, so you can enjoy all that this mod adds to the game with your friends!
- Imperial and Renegade Daleks, a Tardis key, Cybermen and Cyberleaders? What more could you possibly want!
- A seperate download includes all of the sound effects that are available for the mod install.
Dalek Mod Pros and Cons
- POSITIVES: There shear expansive nature of this mod means that you will never get bored of it! This modification adds so much new content that it would be virtually impossible to describe it all here! This mod is available for both client and server downloads, includes a full functional sound pack, and is currently updated to the latest version of Minecraft.
- NEGATIVES: After playing this mod for a while, I can’t pick any faults with the playability of it. The mod runs smoothly and bugless, updates are frequent and overall it provides a unique Doctor Who/Minecraft experience.
- 1960′s Dalek
- Davros
- Yellow Dalek
- Red Daleks
- Cyberman
- The Empty Child
- Autotons
- Added in Rotation for the Dome / Head of the Daleks!
- Movie Dalek Blue
- Movie Dalek Black
- The Wire
- Sounds for: Daleks and Empty Child
- First Test Of A Sonic Screwdriver (9 and 10th doctors)
- Tardis (Still a bit buggy)
- Sonic Screwdriver (Added in compatibility with Redstone lamps)
- Empty Child No longer Hovers and is now slightly smaller than the player
- First Tests of Ranged Attacks
- 11th doctors sonic Screwdriver
- Davros no longer dies in jungle or dessert biomes
- Empty Child’s will infect villagers (Only when on hard)
- Villagers will run from Daleks
- Clockwork Droid
- Daleks and Cybermen Will now attack each other
- Villagers will now die and turn to a broken skeleton on the floor
- Daleks no longer kill davros
- Added a rare drop for Daleks, The Eye Piece, this can be put on your head (Wont render on the player model yet) and will allow you to see as if you were a dalek (This feature is still being worked on, hopefully it will be changed so that you will be able to play as a dalek)
- Fixed the Spelling mistake on Sonic Screwdriver!
- Added in code for a Stonehenge that will generate with the Pandorica beneath it, however this has not been added in as the structure is still being worked on!
- Daleks now have a sound for shooting (I still need to find a better sound)
- Added in Special Weapons Dalek
- Dalekanium Armor
- Dalekanium Ore
- Dalekanium Ingot
- Added in sound for the Sonic Screwdriver (Only the 9 / 10th doctors at the moment
- removed the code for stonehenge (This will be put back in, it was what was causing the houses to spawn
- New Cybermen
- Stone Daleks
- Cybermen will upgrade villagers (Only will work with the new cybermen at the moment, and is also not full conversion yet)
- Daleks are now immune to fire
How to Install Dalek Mod
- First of all, you need to install the latest version of MINECRAFT FORGE to correctly run this mod.
- Next, download the Dalek Mod and drag and drop the .zip folder into the ‘mods’ folder of your Minecraft directory and run the game using forge!
- The mod should be correctly installed and now you can enjoy all that it has to offer!