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[1.8] Dynamic Lights Mod Download


This modification makes ‘shining’ items (default: Torch, Glowstone, Glowdust, Lit Pumpkin, Redstone, Lava Bucket, powered Minecart) illuminate everything around them if

  • The player has them equipped (in hand/armor)
  • They are dropped on the ground
  • Another player has them equipped in Multiplayer

On top of that, burning Entities (Creatures, Items) shine light.

You may add any Item ID you wish as shiny item, via the settings file. Also supports armor items!

You may also configure whether an item still shines if in water, and how long it shines once you hold or drop it.

Toggle button ingame:

The default key is “L”. You can turn all dynamic Lights on/off with it. You can change the key in the config file.

There is no limit to the number of lights you can create, note however they are fairly FPS-costly, and the mod will attempt to reduce lighting render updates frequency if you overdo it.

I recommend using Optifine HD for replacing Notch’s funky render code with slightly less funky rendering code. Optifine should maintain full Dynamic Lights compatibility unless i break it.

The mod should work in Multiplayer by default, yet is clientside, it cannot lag servers. Note however ‘dropped’ light sources will not prevent Mobs from Spawning, and neither will your handheld light.

Instructions MCpatcher Version:

  • 1) Locate your .minecraft folder. On Windows, it’s at %APPDATA%/.minecraft
  • 2) Unzip the downloaded archive into that folder
  • 3) Run the latest MCPatcher HD, select Dynamic Lights from the List, click ‘patch’
  • 3b) For Optifine install Optifine first, then select Dynamic Lights Optifine from the list and patch.

Install tutorial with pictures in case you can’t follow the written instructions.

Some kind souls even made a video tutorial … not necessarily following my instructions. HUEHUEHUE

Instructions Non-MCPatcher Versions:

  • 1) Locate your minecraft.jar file. On Windows, it’s in %APPDATA%/.minecraft/bin
  • 2) Create a backup of minecraft.jar
  • 3) Open minecraft.jar in an archive editor (WinRar/7-Zip/etc)
  • 4) Delete the META-INF folder.
  • 5) Copy everything your find in the zip’s “compiled…” folder into your JAR, replacing files and folders
  • 6) Copy the settings file into your /.minecraft folder, edit it if you please
  • 7) Run Minecraft and test!

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