Cheat anything you want. Discover edges of Minecraft!
Hint: Type cemh <[Minus, non-spaced]module name> in the mod console for see what it does.
- Fly (fly).
- Dynamic Fly (dynamicfly).
- Creative Fly (creativefly).
- X-Ray (x-ray).
- AutoSprint (autosprint).
- AutoWalk (autowalk).
- Sneak (sneak).
- Sprint (sprint).
- Chest Finder (chestfinder).
- PlayerESP (playeresp).
- Set Day (setday).
- No Fall (nofall).
- (Event) No Fall (eventnofall).
- Breadcrumb (breadcrumb).
- Tracers (tracers).
- Fast Place (fastplace).
- Fast Break (fastbreak).
- Freeze Cam (freezecam).
- Freecam/Spectate (spectate).
- Full Bright (fullbright).
- High Jump (highjump).
- Invisible Player (invisibleplayer).
- No Web (noweb).
- Speed (speed).
- Auto-Step (step).
- Water Walk (waterwalk).
- Un-Pushable (unpushable).
- Block Finder (blockfinder)
- [Util] Advanced Tooltips.
- [Util] Mob Hitbox.
- [Util] Reload Chunks.
All modules are default to false, when toggled it changes to true and saves it state to a .TXT file.
Additional Information:
- G: Gui
Type /modulelist in console for see the keybinding
Console commands:
- module Toggle the specified module.
- modulelist Lists all the avaliable modules
- smkey add or delete Change module keys.
- cesh Change step height. (/cestepheight in 4.0.0B1) (Step module)
- flyspeed Changes vanilla Fly speed
- cecb Clears breadcrumb (/ceclearbreadcrumb in 4.0.0B1)
- cebe add or remove Add or removes blocks to the BlockESP list. (/ceblockesp in 4.0.0B1)
- cefc add or delete Add or delete friends to the friend list.
- ceec add or delete Add or delete enemys to the friend list.
- cesv Changes player velocity (Speed module)
- cemh Shows you a avaliable description for help you to understand the module
- Download and install Minecraft Forge.
- Download the mod
- Go to %appdata%
- Go to .minecraft/mods folder
- If the “mods” folder does not exist you can create one
- Drag and drop the downloaded jar (zip) file into it
- Enjoy the mod