This map Has Fully wired Cornucopia, with a reset-able and now toggle-able countdown timer which can be set and started from the game-masters building, of which the doors will remain open until the timer is started. This enables the admins/ game-master to start the game without breaking block or using fly mods/ hacks. The map is designed for a maximum of 24 players and has ready loaded chests scattered about the map, be careful though some are booby trapped. The maps has the standard glass dome that has come to expected of these sorts of maps now, with a radius of around 250 blocks. Overall the map allows for exciting fast paced game-play.
A set of suggested rules that most games tend to play by:
- No hacks or client mods allowed, including minimaps
- Only break leaf blocks, vines and mushrooms
- No placing blocks, Other than water/lava buckets
- Once you die you are out, even if it was suicide/mob kill
- if you become trapped you are also out.
- (there shouldn’t be anywhere on this map but i may have missed some spots)
- Teams Are Allowed but only one player may win
- Have Fun and play fair