Hellooo my fellow Minecrafter’s!! Milkman here again to show you a brand new and amazing texture pack! It’s called Pixel Perfection and it’s really good. The amount of detail in every pixel is phenomenal! It isn’t like your ordinary HD texture pack, it has it’s own awesome feeling. You will see it for yourself when you try it This texture pack has gotten a lot of popularity on PlanetMinecraft and is loved by thousands to individuals! I really like this texture, it’s just amazing. It makes Minecraft so much more enjoyable by every pixel
Here are some photos of the pack to show you the magnificence.
Isn’t this just amazing? Well I would mark this texture as one of my favorites because it is pixely but in a good and classy way
This texture works so much better with MCPatcher, so a piece of advice. Use it!
Pixel Perfection Texture Pack Changelogs
- Tons and tons of new textures
- CTM supports
How to Install Pixel Perfection Texture Pack5
- Download Pixel Perfection zip file.
- Then run Minecraft, click on Mods and texture pack that is under the multiplayer button.
- Click Open Texture Pack folder.
- A folder pops up.
- Drag your brand new texture inside there.
- Profit.