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[1.8] Craftable Animals Mod Download


This mod lets your craft animals using the items they drop. You can craft all vanilla mobs. Even MoCreatures are available. There are some animal related tools as well, such as the minimizer to turn animals into babys/adults or the animal bow. All together this mod adds 63,834 items (63504 of them are zombies with different combinations of armor and age) and 2 blocks.


  • Animal Bow: The Animal Bow is a new bow. It can be used to place animals far away from you. If you hit an existing animal it will be turned into the one you’ve shot. To use it you need an arrow and an animal. In Creative Mode you don’t need arrows but always an animal.
  • Empty Spawner: The empty spawner is a craftable spawner. When placed it won’t spawn anything. You can harvest it with a iron or diamond pickaxe. To turn it into an working spawner just right click it with an animal. From this point it’s a normal spawner. You can’t harvest it anymore (you can destroy it). You can still change the animal, that it spawns by right clicking it with another animal. This also work with generated spawners. This works with every animal, including colored sheep, armored zombies and MoCreatures. (I recommend not to use enderdragons).
  • Minimizer: The minimizer is used to turn animals into babys/adults. Left click any animal to turn it into a baby (you won’t punch it). Right click it to turn it into an adult. If there are no baby version of an animal, nothing will happen. This works for MoCreatures too.
  • Ender Crystal: The ender crystal works like every other block. Just right click to place it. But it also has the ability to remove existing ender crystal without explosion. To do this, simply left click and existing ender crystal while holding a crafted ender crystal.
  • Animal Display Case: The animal display case can be used to display any animal as a model in the world. In izs settings screen, you can define its size (0.5 to 12.5 this its normal size) and its position in the world, relative the the display block. You can even set it to rotate left or right. You can stop the roatation at any point to make it stay in the angle. Again, this works with MoCreatures too.
  • Baby animals: By putting an animal, that has a baby version, together with a block of dirt in a crafting grid, you get 2 baby animals. Putting them both in a crafting grid gives you the adult version back. A baby animal has a red star it its corner, the icon will be the same. This is the only feature that currently does not work with MoCreatures.
  • Animals drop themselves: When an animal dies (killed by player or not), it will have a 10% chanche to drop itself in addition to its normal drops. The chance can be changed in the config file.
  • Remove spawn eggs: Now that you have craftable animals, you won’t need spawn eggs anymore. If you still want them for some reason, you can disable this function in the config. When removing the eggs, the mod will add a dummy item for compatiblity when playing SMP.


  • Download and install Minecraft Forge.
  • Download the mod.
  • Go to %appdata%.
  • Go to .minecraft/mods folder.
  • If the “mods” folder does not exist you can create one.
  • Drag and drop the downloaded jar (zip) file into it.
  • Enjoy the mod.

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