Craft with obsidian instead of gold_ingots. You all get a extra ender chest too.
- Sticks (spawns 16/32 sticks)
- Enchanted (Sticks spawns a stick with random single enchantment)
- Redstone Yeah 32/64 redstone
- Silverfish Swarm (Spawns 72 Silverish)
- Villager meeting (Spawn 12 Villagers)
- Snowman squad (Spawns 8 Snowmen)
- Iron Golem Team (Iron Golem)
- Dave a pigman zombie pigman with armor
- Vill-o-Mecha a villager riding stacked iron-golems
- Wither Duo
- Heavy Artillery Ghast
- Blazes 4 Blazes Spawn
- Three more jokes
- more falling blocks like
- Lapis
- Sponge
- Cobweb
- Redstone
- Luckyblock
- Lucky Pole
- Sand
- Quartz Pole
- Sponge Tower
- Cave-In
- Gravel Rain
- Bobs! Spawns 2 Bobs
How to install:
- Download and install Minecraft Forge.
- Download and install Lucky Block Mod.
- Download the mod.
- Extract the .zip file using winrar or 7zip.
- DELETE the config file of the lucky block mod or old lucky block Midnight Blue (Navy) off your /config folder.
- /%appdata%/.minecraft/config/lucky
- Copy and Replace lucky_block and lucky_block_flipped in the lucky block .jar. (using 7zip: open archive on the .jar)
- Using 7-zip: open archive then /assets/lucky/textures.
- Copy and replace LuckyBlockProperties.txt in /mod/lucky/files and in your .minecraft in /config/lucky/
- Enjoy with the mod.