This mod adds 3 new usable doors to Minecraft. Door models made in Tabula, credit to mr_hazard, as usual.
- For a door to work as a ?Portal? it needs to have a solid frame of blocks around it.
- Doors will link to the closest door of each type, within 256 blocks. They do not use a pairing system like was implied in the video.
- Rendering may have a bit of funkiness that will be seen in other situations not shown in the video. That shows how much more work will be required to make ?portals? render-perfect, as well as FPS friendly.
How to install:
- Download and install Minecraft Forge.
- Download and install iChun Util.
- Download the mod.
- Go to %appdata%.
- Go to .minecraft/mods folder.
- If the ?mods? folder does not exist you can create one.
- Drag and drop the downloaded jar (zip) file into it.
- Enjoy the mod.