Not just your standard Lucky Block add-on! Tired of the same old gear? Lucky Tools not getting the job done fast enough? Try your luck with OMEGA!
- A Sword with +150 attack.
- Boots that triple your speed.
- Armor that grants 80 extra HP.
- These are only a few of the fabled OMEGA Gear, found only within the depths of the Lucky Blocks.
- New Lucky Mobs to fight!
- Bob brought his whole family…
- Melty the Blaze.
- George the Wither Skeleton.
- Spike the Silverfish.
- …
How to install:
- Download and install Minecraft Forge.
- Download and install Lucky Block Mod.
- Download the mod.
- Extract the contents of this ZIP File.
- Locate the correct folder for the version of Minecraft you are using.
- Browse to your /config folder in your Minecraft Directory, and replace /lucky/Lucky_Block_Properties.txt with the correct file from this ZIP that matches your Minecraft version.
- Browse to your /mods folder and open your Lucky Block jar with a program such as 7-Zip. Find /assets/lucky/texture/lucky_block.png and replace it with the included lucky_block.png file in this ZIP, to have the Omega Blocks in your game instead of the default yellow Lucky Block.
- BACK UP YOUR WORLD! This mod is extremely dangerous and can cause death, destruction, and general rage-quits. You have been warned.