As my good friend RedRobin77 was hacked using a hacked book by DerFaxy & SirCrime and lost all permissions on his plot on the CreativeCraft Server/Network and permissions getting remapped to the hackers, we have had yet ANOTHER hack from another hacker. It couldn’t of been neither DerFaxy or SirCrime since they were banned after the last hack, but they could of unbanned themselves with an unknown method. The player who reported the crime is unknown, as well as the player who committed the crime is unknown. The method that we were able to find out about this hack through was our warp:
/warp complaints1
This warp we created after the last hack incase this could happen again, or for any complaints from players that we could find solutions to by sending in a book with the complaint inside through a simple hopper system. The reason why the hacker and reporter are unknown is because the book wasn’t signed.
Images and Evidence:
Please contact me for any help or any information to give about this or anything like it.
Christian Wiggins