Dedicated machine by
Phenom II x4 840 Quad-Core 3.2ghz
1) Go to and hit “Register”.
2) Your username should be the same username you use to access Minecraft.
3) Check the email you signed up with and hit the confirmation link.
4) Wait AT LEAST 5 minutes before attempting to access the server.
5) Enjoy Wildcraft!

Our moderator staff is always helpful and we usually have at least one Moderator online at all times. We are quick to check griefs and roll them back when we’re able to. We have many dedicated players that stick around because they love what we offer. The server owners are constantly adding new and exciting things to the world to make sure you will never be bored!
If you have any comments or concerns feel free to give us a shout on our forums:
We also do not support griefing.
-CookieMonster: Mobs drop more stuff!
-CreativeGates: Warp gates, prettier than Sortal.
-EggMob: Gotta catch ‘em all!
-FireLord: Gold armour isn’t useless on our server!
-IntoChest: Why open your chest when the chest can take from you?
-LWC: Lock yo doors! Lock yo chests! Lock yo furnace!
-MagicSpells: You’ll just have to see this one in action.
-mcMMO: Level up, be the best, make everyone feel inferior to your might!
-MultiSpawn: No longer look forever for empty land. Multiple spawn towns.
-RocketBoots: Propel yourself and others into the air with your feet!
-Towny: Create your own town. Protect your citizens from griefing.
-WorldGuard: Fires don’t spread, lava doesn’t start fires, etc…