- Are you tired of boring dungeons with even more boring loot?
- Do you want more variety in mineshaft and stronghold loot?
- Do you wish sometimes you’d get something useful from digging through mounds and mounds of dirt?
- Do you wish a chance to recover some of that glass you placed?
- Do you want to be able to put torches on the back of stairs?
- If the answer to any of these questions was “yes” then SparcsTweaks is the Mod for you.
This is a minimalist mod that only tweaks a few key features of the game to make it a bit more rewarding and exciting.
- To install, locate your minecraft.jar file.
- It should be at %AppData%\.minecraft\bin (for all Windows users)
- Tip: You can go to Start -&–#62; Run and type in %AppData%\.minecraft\bin to jump straight to this folder
- You should probably copy this file elsewhere in case you want to go back to the original
- Rename the file to add a “.zip” to the end (you may have to change your folder settings to unhide file extensions)
- Open the file in WinZip or whatever compressed utility you use
- Add the class files from this archive to the opened minecraft file (drag and drop usually works)
- The files MANIFEST.MF, MOJANG_C.DSA and MOJANG_C.SF (in the META-INF folder) must be deleted!
- Close the file, saving changes if needed.
- Rename the file back to minecraft.jar and run Minecraft to enjoy the mod!
Non Forge version http://minecraft-forum.net/v/file/136520997494284