Statues Mod extends the idea of the open blocks statues.
Statue Core
Royal Nugget
Saturation: 0.1 Hunger: 2
Crafting Recipes
Tier one
Tier two
Tier three
Tier four
Note any color of wool can be used for any statue
Tier one: Decorative only
- Baby Zombie Statue*
- Blaze Statue
- Chicken statue*
- Cow statue
- Creeper Statue
- Mooshroom Statue
- Pig Statue
- Rabbit Statue
- Sheared Sheep Statue
- Sheep statue
- Slime Statue
- SnowGolem Statue
Tier two: Musical
- Baby Zombie Statue: Makes Zombie sounds when interacted with.
- Blaze Statue: Makes Blaze sounds when interacted with.
- Chicken statue: Makes Chicken sounds when interacted with.
- Cow statue: Makes Cow sounds when interacted with.
- Creeper Statue: Makes Creeper sounds when interacted with.
- Mooshroom Statue: Makes Cow sounds when interacted with.
- Pig Statue: Makes Pig sounds when interacted with.
- Rabbit Statue: Makes Rabbit sounds when interacted with.
- Sheared Sheep Statue: Makes Sheep sounds when interacted with.
- Sheep statue: Makes Sheep sounds when interacted with.
- Slime Statue: Makes Slime sounds when interacted with.
- SnowGolem Statue: Makes snow sounds when interacted with.
Tier three: Musical and Functional
- Baby Zombie Statue: Makes Zombie sounds and gives Rotten Flesh when interacted with.
- Blaze Statue: Makes Blaze sounds and gives Blazerods when interacted with.
- Chicken statue: Makes Chicken sounds and gives eggs and feathers when interacted with.
- Cow statue: Makes Cow sounds and when right clicked with a bucket gives milk.
- Creeper Statue: Makes creeper sounds and gives gunpowder when interacted with, and a nasty surprise too.
- Mooshroom Statue: Makes Cow sounds and when right clicked with an empty bowl gives mushroom stew.
- Pig Statue: Makes pig sounds and gives porkchops when interacted with.
- Rabbit Statue: Makes rabbit sounds and gives rabbit hide, raw rabbit and rabbit’s foot when interacted with.
- Sheared Sheep Statue: Makes Sheep sounds and gives mutton when interacted with.
- Sheep statue: Makes Sheep sounds and gives the appropriate color of wool when interacted with. (note as of version 0.7 there is only a white version, this will change soon).
- Slime Statue: Makes Slime sounds and gives slimeballs when interacted with.
- SnowGolem Statue: Makes SnowGolem sounds and gives snowballs and pumpkins when interacted with.
Tier four: Functional
- Baby Zombie Statue: Gives Rotten Flesh when interacted with.
- Blaze Statue: Gives Blazerods when interacted with.
- Chicken statue: gives feathers and eggs when interacted with.
- Cow statue: When Right clicking with an empty bucket it fills the bucket with milk.
- Creeper Statue: Gives Gunpowder when interacted with, may or may not spawn a creeper with a short fuse.
- Mooshroom Statue: When right clicking with an empty bowls gives you mushroom stew.
- Pig Statue: gives Porkchop when interacted with.
- Rabbit Statue: Gives raw rabbit and Rabbit hide when interacted with, and a low chance for a rabbit’s foot.
- Sheared Sheep Statue: Gives Mutton when interacted with.
- Sheep statue: Gives Mutton and the appropriate color of wool when interacted with.
- (note as of version 0.7 there is only a white version, this will change soon).
- Slime Statue: Gives slimeballs when interacted with.
- SnowGolem Statue: Gives Snowballs and Rarely a pumpkin when interacted with.
Eastereggs and how to get them
Tier one: Decorative only
- Flood statue
- King Cluck Statue
Tier two: Musical
- Flood statue: Makes Zombie sounds when interacted with.(note this will change soon)
- King Cluck Statue: Makes Royal Chicken sounds, sounds like normal chickens.
Tier three: musical and functional
- Flood statue: Makes Zombie sounds and shoots fireworks when interacted with.(note the sounds will change soon)
- King Cluck Statue: Makes Chicken sounds and gives Royal nuggets and old nugets when interacted with.
Tier four: functional
- Flood statue: Shoots Fireworks when interacted with.
- King Cluck Statue: Gives Royal Nuggets and rarely Gold Nuggets when interacted with.
Why are they an Easteregg?
- Flood statue: Reference From Mindcracker Docm77 Season 4 Base where he flooded the perimiter for his witchfarm, a baby zombie tracked a villager through a maze as a part from a rube goldenberg machine.
- King Cluck Statue: Reference From Former Mindcracker BTC King Cluck shop in Mindcrack season 4
How to get them: No spoilers just clues
- Flood statue: Place a Baby zombie statue on a block that appears to be water.
- King Cluck Statue: Chickens are not royals, prove me wrong by placing them on a shiny block.
How to get them: be warned this one contains spoilers
- Flood statue: Place a Baby Zombie Statue (tier one) Statue on a Lapis block
King Cluck Statue: Place a Chicken Statue (tier one) on a Gold Block
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