Hello my fellow Minecraft comrades! Milkman (The soviet minecrafter) here to tell you about Arkane’s Ultimate Texture Pack, this texture was made by Scyzthe and I really admire his work on this… He has his own type of vision with a HD Medievalish type texture! And it really turned out well. I absolutely love this texture it gives you such a good feeling of solitude and it works very well with Water Shaders and such Another cool thing about this texture is that you dont have to have a powerful computer to run this Texture! It should run just fine with Optifine. This pack runs two versions of quality, (32×32) and (64×64) Another plus to this is that it would look amazing in Cinematics! It would fit in perfectly with huge creations and such. I would recommend this texture for cinematics and for just normal play, it looks really good and it would work fine on PVPservers and such. This texture in my opinion deserves a 8/10 beacuse of its sheer beauty and detail although it cannot compare to the extreme High Definition Textures out there such as Extreme Photo Realism which supports up to (1024×1024) <—- It’s crazy! You would need a very powerful computer to run that kind of quality on Minecraft. But this is still quite a good texture for it’s class. Here are some pictures to show it off!
Now that you have seen it’s detail and pixelness do you think that you will enjoy using it? Try it out!!
- Fixed the Jungle Texture
- Created a new and improved Dispenser Texture
- Fixed the Cloud Texture
How to Install Forgotten Lands Texture Pack
- Download Arkane’s Ultimate Texture Pack
- Open start menu > Run
- Run /%appdata%/.minecraft/texturepacks/
- Place the .zip file there
- Download and install Optifine
- Change your texture pack in Minecraft
- Profit.