[1.5] [32x] American Revolution Texture Pack Download
A Texture Pack based on Ubisoft’s video game, Assassin’s Creed 3 Designed from the ground up over more than a year, The American Revolution Texture Pack takes one of history’s most significant moments...
View Article[1.5] FlintCraft Mod Download
This mod adds flint weapons, tools, armor and more… Flint Flint armor is between iron and leather, in durability and protection. Flint tools can destroy everything stone can, have a durability between...
View Article[1.5] Rancraft Penguins Mod Download
Rancraft Penguins adds ten different species of penguins to your world: Emperor Penguins King Penguins Yellow-Eyed Penguins Magellanic Penguins Galápagos Penguins Adélie Penguins White-Flippered...
View Article[1.5] Herblore Mod Download
Now toke is famous for its proven healing effects, so we decided to bring it to minecraft. To gain toke,you can find a Farmer Villager (brown robe), and trade with him, or find it randomly generated...
View Article[1.5] More Swords Mod Download
This mod was created by Starlis Installation: More swords mod Download the latest Minecraft Forge Extract the contents of forge into the minecraft/server jar (delete meta inf client side only!) Place...
View Article[1.5] Extended WorkBench Mod Download
This mod adds you the ability to create more things in the game. Extended workbench basically extends you workbench to be able to create more painful stuff like the extended sword which does 100% more...
View Article[1.5] RadarBro Mod Download
RadarBro gives you comfort by letting you know where nearby enemies and mobs are. The radar shows mobs, players, allies, enemies, and entities. You can toggle each icon on and off to focus on only what...
View Article[1.5] The Ether Mod Download
A new adventure in the Sky of Minecraft,now you go start a journey,go to Nether for go to the Ether,you want a Light Stone Dust to make a new door for Dreams. This! A dreamed World to his range,a new...
View Article[1.5] Travelling House Mod Download
This mod allows you to explore your minecraft world freely while still having your own base whenever you need it. How does it work? Place a house packer block on one corner of your structure and place...
View Article[1.5] Craftable Animals Mod Download
This mod lets your craft animals using the items they drop. You can craft all vanilla mobs. Even MoCreatures are available. There are some animal related tools as well, such as the minimizer to turn...
View Article[1.5] ChocoCraft Mod Download
This mod adds a mob called Chocobo to the game. This includes different coloured mob types with different attributes in their grown-up and juvenile form. The most basic type can be found in the wild...
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