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[1.7.10] Addicted To Red Mod Download


When you close your eyes at night all you can think about is Redstone? Good, you have come to the right place. We too have become addicted to the power of Redstone and have made it even more powerful. Giving Addicted To Red Mod all those detectors, manipulators, and cool machines it always needed.


Is this a Redpower Clone?

No, most of our content doesn’t cover the main aspects of Redpower or its look a likes. For example, we don’t add flat wires, elevated wires, or even gates. Instead, the mod mainly adds devices to detect what is going on in the world.

Do you support Open Comptuers?

Yes, all of our blocks come with OC drivers so they can be connected using a driver block.  It is not perfect but does allow for more data manipulation from our blocks. If you don’t want to use a driver block you can just use normal Redstone connections. Which will give you basic data from the block based on the signal strength.


Entity Detector – can detect entities based on a pre-defined set of types. Can be configured to aim a set area and range. Upgraded versions allow more control over how the detection works.

Selection Detector – advanced version of the entity detector that can restrict its area of detection.

Chat Block – sends a chat message to every player around a target location. Can be configured with a custom message, range, and focus point.

Chat Detector – detects chat messages based on 4 different match methods (contains, starts with, ends with, and regex). Comes with the option to even hide the chat message and detect for username if you want to use it for a password door.

Sound Block – emits sound effects that are supported by Minecraft. Comes pre-coded with every sound effect Minecraft has by default. Can also support modded sound effects if you know the name of the effect.


Minecraft Forge

The post [1.7.10] Addicted To Red Mod Download appeared first on Minecraft Forum.

[1.11.2] Open Glider Mod Download


Open Glider Mod adds a hang glider to Minecraft, allowing you to soar through the skies and explore your world’s beauty.


Notable Features

  • A fluid flight motion and naturally immersive controls.
  • A novel system of wind that you must combat to stay on course while in flight.
  • The ability to deploy the glider and have it visually appear, both in first person and in third person view, as well as to other players if you are playing on a server.
  • Aesthetically pleasing models and item sprites that change based on deployment.
  • It is specifically coded to be efficient and computer friendly.
  • Extremely configurable so that it can suit any playstyle.
    • Wind, damage, distance traveled, visual effects, and the nuances of those are all configurable, and can even be easily done in-game via the mod options config GUI.

More Informations:

Open Glider is the spiritual successor to Open Blocks‘ hang glider. Open Glider, however, has been rewritten, rebalanced, and refined for MC 1.10+.

In addition, there have been some notable changes to make this mod fit alongside Vanilla’s Elytra.Most notably this is handled by wind, a concept explained more in detail in the section below. For now simply know that great care has been taken to ensure that the hang glider still has a place in the game without overshadowing Vanilla mechanics. Open Glider aims to provide an earlier game alternative of imperfect, scenic flight to contrast with the elytra’s nature of a fast and agile end-game flight method.

To get started, craft the hang glider like so:


Next, you simply right click the hang glider item to deploy it. You will know it is deployed as the item will change to resemble bars, and the glider will be visible on your back in third-person mode or above your head in first-person perspective.

You can press shift and will increase your speed to fly faster, but note that this does come at the small cost of not quite as much overall distance traveled.

Now simply jump and glide away into the sunset!


The elytra is a nimble thing, able to propel the player. The hang glider is much larger, and therefore catches drafts of wind that the elytra does not. Unlike the elytra, the hang glider will deviate from its course, as wind may knock the player to the side.

Generally wind comes in gusts, and there are pockets of windy areas compared to sections of calm air. A prudent flyer will constantly correct his/her flight as they travel so as to stay on course.

Wind is affected by:

  • Speed of the player
    • By traveling quickly, the relative power of a sideways gust of wind is lessened due to havign so much forward momentum.
  • The weather (if it is raining or not)
    • Storms have been known to cause huge gusts; players must eb more vigilant if they wish to fly during a storm.
  • The height of the player
    • More powerful air currents are found high up in the sky, while staying close to the earth means there is less wind to buffet the player about
  • The durability of the glider
    • The more damaged the hang glider is, the more vulnerable it is to wind.

Of course, all of this is configurable.


The hang glider is damaged whenever it is used. Eventually, it will break and must be repaired in an anvil by using leather, similar to the elytra.

Advanced Hang Glider

For those of you who like the mechanics of flight as provided by this mod, there is now a late game option as well. The advanced hang glider’s crafting recipe contains an elytra (forcing you to choose between flight preferences, albeit temporarily) and is much faster, wind resistant, and durable than the normal variant.


Minecraft Forge

How to install:

  1. Make sure you have already installed Minecraft Forge.
  2. Locate the minecraft application folder.
    • On windows open Run from the start menu, type %appdata% and click Run.
    • On mac open finder, hold down ALT and click Go then Library in the top menu bar. Open the folder Application Support and look for Minecraft.
  3. Place the mod you have just downloaded (.jar file) into the Mods folder.
  4. When you launch Minecraft and click the mods button you should now see the mod is installed.

The post [1.11.2] Open Glider Mod Download appeared first on Minecraft Forum.

[1.9.4] The Stuff Extension Mod Download


The Stuff Extension Mod will be a better mod in general. The code will be more organized, the files will be smaller, and the stuff will be aplenty!

Also if you were one of the people who enjoyed The Mystic Tools Mod and were saddened that it was going away, there is good news! The items from that mod are being added to The Stuff Extension for the next update (Some balancing edits will be made of course)!


It is recommended you download files above (v1.0.0)

It is recommended to download Beta (blue) or release (green) builds as they are less likely to corrupt your world.

It is also recommended you play with NEI/JEI to reduce confusion, and see the recipes.


  • Download newest recommended version of forge
  • Download newest alpha, beta, or recommended (Newest one will probably be best)
  • Backup your Minecraft folder.
  • Install client Forge.
  • Open up MODS folder.
  • Place selected version of TheStuffExtension.jar in the mods folder.
  • Start Up Minecraft.
  • Enjoy!!!

Mod Pack Rules:

You may include this mod in a mod pack if you meet the following criteria.

  1. You MUST not make any money off the mod pack, this include add links (ad.fly).
  2. You MUST link to either this page or the Minecraft Forum page on your info page.
  3. You CANNOT take any credit for this mod.
  4. You MAY redistribute this mod if you meet all of the previous conditions.


Minecraft Forge

The post [1.9.4] The Stuff Extension Mod Download appeared first on Minecraft Forum.

[1.11.2] The Stuff Extension Mod Download


The Stuff Extension Mod will be a better mod in general. The code will be more organized, the files will be smaller, and the stuff will be aplenty!

Also if you were one of the people who enjoyed The Mystic Tools Mod and were saddened that it was going away, there is good news! The items from that mod are being added to The Stuff Extension for the next update (Some balancing edits will be made of course)!


It is recommended you download files above (v1.0.0)

It is recommended to download Beta (blue) or release (green) builds as they are less likely to corrupt your world.

It is also recommended you play with NEI/JEI to reduce confusion, and see the recipes.


  • Download newest recommended version of forge
  • Download newest alpha, beta, or recommended (Newest one will probably be best)
  • Backup your Minecraft folder.
  • Install client Forge.
  • Open up MODS folder.
  • Place selected version of TheStuffExtension.jar in the mods folder.
  • Start Up Minecraft.
  • Enjoy!!!

Mod Pack Rules:

You may include this mod in a mod pack if you meet the following criteria.

  1. You MUST not make any money off the mod pack, this include add links (ad.fly).
  2. You MUST link to either this page or the Minecraft Forum page on your info page.
  3. You CANNOT take any credit for this mod.
  4. You MAY redistribute this mod if you meet all of the previous conditions.


Minecraft Forge

The post [1.11.2] The Stuff Extension Mod Download appeared first on Minecraft Forum.

[1.12] The Stuff Extension Mod Download


The Stuff Extension Mod will be a better mod in general. The code will be more organized, the files will be smaller, and the stuff will be aplenty!

Also if you were one of the people who enjoyed The Mystic Tools Mod and were saddened that it was going away, there is good news! The items from that mod are being added to The Stuff Extension for the next update (Some balancing edits will be made of course)!


It is recommended you download files above (v1.0.0)

It is recommended to download Beta (blue) or release (green) builds as they are less likely to corrupt your world.

It is also recommended you play with NEI/JEI to reduce confusion, and see the recipes.


  • Download newest recommended version of forge
  • Download newest alpha, beta, or recommended (Newest one will probably be best)
  • Backup your Minecraft folder.
  • Install client Forge.
  • Open up MODS folder.
  • Place selected version of TheStuffExtension.jar in the mods folder.
  • Start Up Minecraft.
  • Enjoy!!!

Mod Pack Rules:

You may include this mod in a mod pack if you meet the following criteria.

  1. You MUST not make any money off the mod pack, this include add links (ad.fly).
  2. You MUST link to either this page or the Minecraft Forum page on your info page.
  3. You CANNOT take any credit for this mod.
  4. You MAY redistribute this mod if you meet all of the previous conditions.


Minecraft Forge

The post [1.12] The Stuff Extension Mod Download appeared first on Minecraft Forum.

[1.9.4] MoreCraft Mod Download


MoreCraft Mod is a mod that, unlike most mods, does not add many overly complicated files.

MoreCraft Mod

It has over 100 new items. Lots of new tools, armors, foods, blocks, and items that fits within Minecraft theme.

This mod attempts to stay true to the original concept of Minecraft. The new items introduced all fit within Minecraft theme. It’s designed to enhance your survival experience.

NOTE: If you have an issue where the server crashes with the mod installed and you’re on Minecraft 1.9.4 or 1.10.2, please make sure to download version 2.9.3 or 3.0.3 that fixed the issues.

Are you…

…a builder who wants to use the new blocks?
…a warrior destined to slay the Ender Dragon and wear its hide?
…a cave dweller who spends his life devouring spiders?
…a trophy hunter who desires to collect the heads of mobs?
…frustrated with anvil close to breaking, knowing that you can’t repair?
…feeling sad that there are no glass doors?
…feeling bored of the Nether that doesn’t have much stuff?
…disappointed that mobs don’t drop heads?
…angry that you accidentally crafted something and want to uncraft it?

If you answered yes to any of the above, then consider this mod!

This mod features…

  • Over 100 items!
  • About 20 new blocks!
  • Lots of new tools and armour that use the vanilla materials! (Okay, there are non-vanilla materials but they fit within Minecraft theme)
  • Uncrafting recipes! (No uncrafting table necessary!)
  • Dozens of tweaks and changes!
  • More doors! Nether brick door and even better, glass doors!
  • Awesome Netherwood Boats!

You are MORE THAN WELCOME to add this mod to your modpack, public or private! In fact, I encourage you to add this. I would recommend that for 1.7.10 and 1.10.2 modpacks, especially since I integrated the usage of OreDictionary.

This mod works in Forge SMP since version 2.6b3.
This mod requires Forge. Older versions, however, uses ModLoader. (Mod version 2.5 and prior.).



How to install:

  • Download and install Minecraft Forge.
  • Download the mod.
  • Go to %appdata%.
  • Go to .minecraft/mods folder.
  • If the “mods” folder does not exist you can create one.
  • Drag and drop the downloaded jar (zip) file into it.
  • Enjoy the mod.

The post [1.9.4] MoreCraft Mod Download appeared first on Minecraft Forum.

[1.7.10] Voltz Engine Mod Download


Voltz Engine Mod is primarily a core mod for any mods created by the BBM Team. It also provides basic tools to developers for creating new items, ores, world gen, and handling commands.


Java Version

Java 8 is required by the mods in order for it to function. It can be downloaded and installed here https://java.com/en/download/

Mods that use Voltz Engine



Assembly Line

Basic Industries


ICBM Classic


# Does VE include content?

Yes, but it is only enabled at the request of another mod. The reason behind doing this is to prevent duplicate content between dozens of mods. For example ingots, ores, dusts, plates, rods, circuit boards, and anything else we need. This content can be force enabled and disable to allow mod pack makers more control.

# Does VE include world gen?

Yes but it is only enabled if another mod requests it. It can also be forced enabled or disabled in the config.

# What does VE do with commands?

VE has a built-in command & permission system. This system can be disabled if your server already has a permissions system.

# Is VE related to Volz Modpack

We named the mod after the pack but it is not designed for the pack.

# Does VE download a dependency.

Yes it does. It downloads coding Lib from our maven. It does prompt you if you want to download it.

# ASM crashes during loading

This can be noted when the game is early in the loading phase and you get a class not found exception. Adding -DenableAsmTemplates=false to your run config is a temp solution if you really want to play. However, it will cause power code to stop working for some mods.



Minecraft Forge

The post [1.7.10] Voltz Engine Mod Download appeared first on Minecraft Forum.

[1.10.2] MoreCraft Mod Download


MoreCraft Mod is a mod that, unlike most mods, does not add many overly complicated files.

MoreCraft Mod

It has over 100 new items. Lots of new tools, armors, foods, blocks, and items that fits within Minecraft theme.

This mod attempts to stay true to the original concept of Minecraft. The new items introduced all fit within Minecraft theme. It’s designed to enhance your survival experience.

NOTE: If you have an issue where the server crashes with the mod installed and you’re on Minecraft 1.9.4 or 1.10.2, please make sure to download version 2.9.3 or 3.0.3 that fixed the issues.

Are you…

…a builder who wants to use the new blocks?
…a warrior destined to slay the Ender Dragon and wear its hide?
…a cave dweller who spends his life devouring spiders?
…a trophy hunter who desires to collect the heads of mobs?
…frustrated with anvil close to breaking, knowing that you can’t repair?
…feeling sad that there are no glass doors?
…feeling bored of the Nether that doesn’t have much stuff?
…disappointed that mobs don’t drop heads?
…angry that you accidentally crafted something and want to uncraft it?

If you answered yes to any of the above, then consider this mod!

This mod features…

  • Over 100 items!
  • About 20 new blocks!
  • Lots of new tools and armour that use the vanilla materials! (Okay, there are non-vanilla materials but they fit within Minecraft theme)
  • Uncrafting recipes! (No uncrafting table necessary!)
  • Dozens of tweaks and changes!
  • More doors! Nether brick door and even better, glass doors!
  • Awesome Netherwood Boats!

You are MORE THAN WELCOME to add this mod to your modpack, public or private! In fact, I encourage you to add this. I would recommend that for 1.7.10 and 1.10.2 modpacks, especially since I integrated the usage of OreDictionary.

This mod works in Forge SMP since version 2.6b3.
This mod requires Forge. Older versions, however, uses ModLoader. (Mod version 2.5 and prior.).



How to install:

  • Download and install Minecraft Forge.
  • Download the mod.
  • Go to %appdata%.
  • Go to .minecraft/mods folder.
  • If the “mods” folder does not exist you can create one.
  • Drag and drop the downloaded jar (zip) file into it.
  • Enjoy the mod.

The post [1.10.2] MoreCraft Mod Download appeared first on Minecraft Forum.

[1.11.2] MoreCraft Mod Download


MoreCraft Mod is a mod that, unlike most mods, does not add many overly complicated files.

MoreCraft Mod

It has over 100 new items. Lots of new tools, armors, foods, blocks, and items that fits within Minecraft theme.

This mod attempts to stay true to the original concept of Minecraft. The new items introduced all fit within Minecraft theme. It’s designed to enhance your survival experience.

NOTE: If you have an issue where the server crashes with the mod installed and you’re on Minecraft 1.9.4 or 1.10.2, please make sure to download version 2.9.3 or 3.0.3 that fixed the issues.

Are you…

…a builder who wants to use the new blocks?
…a warrior destined to slay the Ender Dragon and wear its hide?
…a cave dweller who spends his life devouring spiders?
…a trophy hunter who desires to collect the heads of mobs?
…frustrated with anvil close to breaking, knowing that you can’t repair?
…feeling sad that there are no glass doors?
…feeling bored of the Nether that doesn’t have much stuff?
…disappointed that mobs don’t drop heads?
…angry that you accidentally crafted something and want to uncraft it?

If you answered yes to any of the above, then consider this mod!

This mod features…

  • Over 100 items!
  • About 20 new blocks!
  • Lots of new tools and armour that use the vanilla materials! (Okay, there are non-vanilla materials but they fit within Minecraft theme)
  • Uncrafting recipes! (No uncrafting table necessary!)
  • Dozens of tweaks and changes!
  • More doors! Nether brick door and even better, glass doors!
  • Awesome Netherwood Boats!

You are MORE THAN WELCOME to add this mod to your modpack, public or private! In fact, I encourage you to add this. I would recommend that for 1.7.10 and 1.10.2 modpacks, especially since I integrated the usage of OreDictionary.

This mod works in Forge SMP since version 2.6b3.
This mod requires Forge. Older versions, however, uses ModLoader. (Mod version 2.5 and prior.).



How to install:

  • Download and install Minecraft Forge.
  • Download the mod.
  • Go to %appdata%.
  • Go to .minecraft/mods folder.
  • If the “mods” folder does not exist you can create one.
  • Drag and drop the downloaded jar (zip) file into it.
  • Enjoy the mod.

The post [1.11.2] MoreCraft Mod Download appeared first on Minecraft Forum.

[1.8.9] MoreThanMinecraft Mod Download


MoreThanMinecraft Mod will add more tools to help you update the structure of the world


MoreThanMinecraft Mod – The Structure Of The World Update

– Added Sickle Leaves
– Added Stables
– Added White Wood Stable
– Added Random Boulders To Add Some New Content To Forest
– Added New Underground Dungeons To The Mesa and Desert
– Added A New “How To Build A Snowman” Structure
– Added Some Floating Island Structures
– Added A Snowy Tower
– Added Some Obsidian Structures
– Added The Island Nether
– Added The Netherly End
– Added Ender Quartz Ore
– Added Ender Water
– Added Creeprock Mob
– Added Venospider Mob
– Added Ghost Forest Biome! BOO
– Added Wooden Spiked Block
– Added Posion Gland
– Added Metal Part
– Added Crafting Recipe For Loot Bag
– Changed Loot Bag Texture
– Changed Lava Pipe From Rich Diamond To Metal Part
– Changed Poison Trap To Require Posion Glands
– Changed Spiked Block Recipe To Give 4 Blocks
– Changed Spiked Block Recipe To Include Wooden Spiked Block
– Fixed Spelling Of Poison

MoreThanMinecraft Mod

Have Fun Fightning With Throwing Knives Or Build A Castle Out Of Nether Star Blocks. Maybe You Want A More Sinister Feel Use Nether Wart Blocks To Add To Your Build. Use Ancient Magic To Strike Lightning On Your Foes And Turn All Your Tools Into One. Make Bullets To Use For A Pistol And So Much More.

Somethings This Mod Adds

-An OP MultiTool (Is A Pickaxe, Shovel, And Axe)

-Multiple Condensed Blocks Like Nether Star Blocks, Nether Wart Blocks, Sugar Cane Blocks, Ender Eye And Pearl Blocks, Flesh Blocks And Blaze Blocks

-New Mobs Including Pest, Modified Spider, And Red Zombie

-Adds A New Way Off Getting Ammo

-A Very Good Pistol

-Blocks That Give You Potion Effects

-New Weapons Of Each Type (Iron, Stone, Gold, Wood, Diamond)

– An Epic Throwing Knife

-Use Altars To Control The Elements

-Use Magic To Fly

-Rings Rings And More Rings That Give You Effects

-Turn Altars Into Useable Pendants

-A Trash Can


-And Even More



Minecraft Forge

The post [1.8.9] MoreThanMinecraft Mod Download appeared first on Minecraft Forum.

[1.9.4] Tinkers’ Addons Mod Download


Tinkers’ Addons Mod adds 4 new modifiers to Tinkers’ Construct:

Tinkers’ Addons Mod 1.11.2/1.10.2


  • Auto-Repair (levelable like the old version, caps at Auto-Repair V).
  • Bonus Modifiers (level I, II and III), they work the same as the old bonus modifiers.
    • The bonus modifiers use (mostly) the same resources that the original Tinkers’ tool station recipe did, but it’s a normal crafting recipe that you then apply to the tool after crafting it.

A sampling of the new modifiers

Tinkers’ Addons Mod

Crafting Recipes:

More Modifiers for those Tools

In the event you just want a linear, craftable method of getting extra modifiers for that little bit of haste, this is the mod for you!

Tinkers’ Addons Mod Crafting Recipes 1

Tinkers’ Addons Mod Crafting Recipes 2

Tinkers’ Addons Mod Crafting Recipes 3

Tinkers’ Addons Mod Crafting Recipes 4


Added specifically to quell the complaints that tool repair in Tinkers’ Construct was too slow. Amelioration aims to let you leave your XP worries behind!

Tinkers’ Addons Mod Crafting Recipes 5


Minecraft Forge

Tinkers’ Construct Mod

How to install Tinkers’ Addons Mod:

  1. Make sure you have already installed Minecraft Forge and Tinkers’ Construct Mod.
  2. Locate the minecraft application folder.
    • On windows open Run from the start menu, type %appdata% and click Run.
    • On mac open finder, hold down ALT and click Go then Library in the top menu bar. Open the folder Application Support and look for Minecraft.
  3. Place the mod you have just downloaded (.jar file) into the Mods folder.
  4. When you launch Minecraft and click the mods button you should now see the mod is installed.

The post [1.9.4] Tinkers’ Addons Mod Download appeared first on Minecraft Forum.

[1.10.2] Tinkers’ Addons Mod Download


Tinkers’ Addons Mod adds 4 new modifiers to Tinkers’ Construct:

Tinkers’ Addons Mod 1.11.2/1.10.2


  • Auto-Repair (levelable like the old version, caps at Auto-Repair V).
  • Bonus Modifiers (level I, II and III), they work the same as the old bonus modifiers.
    • The bonus modifiers use (mostly) the same resources that the original Tinkers’ tool station recipe did, but it’s a normal crafting recipe that you then apply to the tool after crafting it.

A sampling of the new modifiers

Tinkers’ Addons Mod

Crafting Recipes:

More Modifiers for those Tools

In the event you just want a linear, craftable method of getting extra modifiers for that little bit of haste, this is the mod for you!

Tinkers’ Addons Mod Crafting Recipes 1

Tinkers’ Addons Mod Crafting Recipes 2

Tinkers’ Addons Mod Crafting Recipes 3

Tinkers’ Addons Mod Crafting Recipes 4


Added specifically to quell the complaints that tool repair in Tinkers’ Construct was too slow. Amelioration aims to let you leave your XP worries behind!

Tinkers’ Addons Mod Crafting Recipes 5


Minecraft Forge

Tinkers’ Construct Mod

How to install Tinkers’ Addons Mod:

  1. Make sure you have already installed Minecraft Forge and Tinkers’ Construct Mod.
  2. Locate the minecraft application folder.
    • On windows open Run from the start menu, type %appdata% and click Run.
    • On mac open finder, hold down ALT and click Go then Library in the top menu bar. Open the folder Application Support and look for Minecraft.
  3. Place the mod you have just downloaded (.jar file) into the Mods folder.
  4. When you launch Minecraft and click the mods button you should now see the mod is installed.

The post [1.10.2] Tinkers’ Addons Mod Download appeared first on Minecraft Forum.

[1.11.2] Tinkers’ Addons Mod Download


Tinkers’ Addons Mod adds 4 new modifiers to Tinkers’ Construct:

Tinkers’ Addons Mod 1.11.2/1.10.2


  • Auto-Repair (levelable like the old version, caps at Auto-Repair V).
  • Bonus Modifiers (level I, II and III), they work the same as the old bonus modifiers.
    • The bonus modifiers use (mostly) the same resources that the original Tinkers’ tool station recipe did, but it’s a normal crafting recipe that you then apply to the tool after crafting it.

A sampling of the new modifiers

Tinkers’ Addons Mod

Crafting Recipes:

More Modifiers for those Tools

In the event you just want a linear, craftable method of getting extra modifiers for that little bit of haste, this is the mod for you!

Tinkers’ Addons Mod Crafting Recipes 1

Tinkers’ Addons Mod Crafting Recipes 2

Tinkers’ Addons Mod Crafting Recipes 3

Tinkers’ Addons Mod Crafting Recipes 4


Added specifically to quell the complaints that tool repair in Tinkers’ Construct was too slow. Amelioration aims to let you leave your XP worries behind!

Tinkers’ Addons Mod Crafting Recipes 5


Minecraft Forge

Tinkers’ Construct Mod

How to install Tinkers’ Addons Mod:

  1. Make sure you have already installed Minecraft Forge and Tinkers’ Construct Mod.
  2. Locate the minecraft application folder.
    • On windows open Run from the start menu, type %appdata% and click Run.
    • On mac open finder, hold down ALT and click Go then Library in the top menu bar. Open the folder Application Support and look for Minecraft.
  3. Place the mod you have just downloaded (.jar file) into the Mods folder.
  4. When you launch Minecraft and click the mods button you should now see the mod is installed.

The post [1.11.2] Tinkers’ Addons Mod Download appeared first on Minecraft Forum.

[1.10.2] MoreThanMinecraft Mod Download


MoreThanMinecraft Mod will add more tools to help you update the structure of the world


MoreThanMinecraft Mod – The Structure Of The World Update

– Added Sickle Leaves
– Added Stables
– Added White Wood Stable
– Added Random Boulders To Add Some New Content To Forest
– Added New Underground Dungeons To The Mesa and Desert
– Added A New “How To Build A Snowman” Structure
– Added Some Floating Island Structures
– Added A Snowy Tower
– Added Some Obsidian Structures
– Added The Island Nether
– Added The Netherly End
– Added Ender Quartz Ore
– Added Ender Water
– Added Creeprock Mob
– Added Venospider Mob
– Added Ghost Forest Biome! BOO
– Added Wooden Spiked Block
– Added Posion Gland
– Added Metal Part
– Added Crafting Recipe For Loot Bag
– Changed Loot Bag Texture
– Changed Lava Pipe From Rich Diamond To Metal Part
– Changed Poison Trap To Require Posion Glands
– Changed Spiked Block Recipe To Give 4 Blocks
– Changed Spiked Block Recipe To Include Wooden Spiked Block
– Fixed Spelling Of Poison

MoreThanMinecraft Mod

Have Fun Fightning With Throwing Knives Or Build A Castle Out Of Nether Star Blocks. Maybe You Want A More Sinister Feel Use Nether Wart Blocks To Add To Your Build. Use Ancient Magic To Strike Lightning On Your Foes And Turn All Your Tools Into One. Make Bullets To Use For A Pistol And So Much More.

Somethings This Mod Adds

-An OP MultiTool (Is A Pickaxe, Shovel, And Axe)

-Multiple Condensed Blocks Like Nether Star Blocks, Nether Wart Blocks, Sugar Cane Blocks, Ender Eye And Pearl Blocks, Flesh Blocks And Blaze Blocks

-New Mobs Including Pest, Modified Spider, And Red Zombie

-Adds A New Way Off Getting Ammo

-A Very Good Pistol

-Blocks That Give You Potion Effects

-New Weapons Of Each Type (Iron, Stone, Gold, Wood, Diamond)

– An Epic Throwing Knife

-Use Altars To Control The Elements

-Use Magic To Fly

-Rings Rings And More Rings That Give You Effects

-Turn Altars Into Useable Pendants

-A Trash Can


-And Even More



Minecraft Forge

The post [1.10.2] MoreThanMinecraft Mod Download appeared first on Minecraft Forum.

[1.12] Eat the Eggs Mod Download


Anyone else ever look at the stacks and stacks of eggs in their survival worlds and wish you could eat those things? Seems silly that such a great source of protein goes to waste in the game right? Eat the Eggs mod is for you.


Crafting Recipes:

Fried Egg

Scrambled Eggs!

Cheesy Scrambled Eggs:

Scrambled Eggs & Beef!

Scrambled Eggs & Bacon!

Slice of Bread

Cheese (note: As of 20161211 this makes 16 cheese now, not just 1)

Cheese and Mushroom Omelette


Fried Egg Sandwich

Scrambled Egg Sandwich

How to install:

  • Download and install Minecraft Forge.
  • Download the mod.
  • Go to %appdata%.
  • Go to .minecraft/mods folder.
  • If the “mods” folder does not exist you can create one.
  • Drag and drop the downloaded jar (zip) file into that.
  • Enjoy the mod.

The post [1.12] Eat the Eggs Mod Download appeared first on Minecraft Forum.

[1.12] Similsax Transtructors Mod Download


Ever stuck on a floating platform with no way to bridge down? Ever needed a bridge built ASAP to get out of range of a ghast? Ever wanted lists to have a useful third point? With Similsax Transtructors Mod, now you can.

Simply craft the transtructor using one of the conveniently screenshot recipes to get started. Once you have your transtructor, all you need to do is click on the block you want to place next to with that type of block in your inventory, and voila! Another block will appear next to the first! Click on the center to place on the opposite side, or near an edge to place on that side. Need another block? Just click again and yet another block will appear next to the second! Even with a basic transtructor, you can make a pillar 16 blocks long, both longer and faster than using a piston! Unfortunately, such high performance comes at a cost. All similsax transtructors will degrade with use. A basic model will last 200 uses, while an advanced will keep working for a thousand.

Basic Crafting


Advanced Crafting


How to install:

  • Download and install Minecraft Forge.
  • Download the mod.
  • Go to %appdata%.
  • Go to .minecraft/mods folder.
  • If the “mods” folder does not exist you can create one.
  • Drag and drop the downloaded jar (zip) file into that.
  • Enjoy the mod.

The post [1.12] Similsax Transtructors Mod Download appeared first on Minecraft Forum.

[1.12] Meme In A Bottle Mod Download


Just memes compressed into a bottle. The Funniest Internet Memes are now in Minecraft! Meme In A Bottle Mod adds the funniest and best memes online into Minecaft. This mod adds John Cena, Bill Cipher, and a bunch of other funny and most popular memes on the internet.

Meme In A Bottle Mod


How to install:

  • Download and install Minecraft Forge.
  • Download the mod.
  • Go to %appdata%.
  • Go to .minecraft/mods folder.
  • If the “mods” folder does not exist you can create one.
  • Drag and drop the downloaded jar (zip) file into that.
  • Enjoy the mod.

The post [1.12] Meme In A Bottle Mod Download appeared first on Minecraft Forum.

[1.12] RFTools Mod Download


RFTools Mod containing various tools that are related to RF (Redflux) or technology in general. The blocks and items that are in the current version are usable and feature complete. The basic idea of this mod is to provide various items and tools that will make it easier for people to manage big RF networks and help with tech builds in general. This mod is not meant to be used on its own. You should use it together with mods like Thermal Expansion, EnderIO, and so on. In addition to tools to help with RF this mod also contains a few major systems for teleportation (a bit similar to Star Trek, not with regular portals) as well as a fully featured dimension building system.

The following items and blocks of this mod:

  • RFTools Manual: an in-game craftable manual for this mod.
  • RF Network Monitor: with this item you can check out the RF situation in a set of connected blocks and find out where all the energy is going.
  • RF Monitor: this block can monitor the RF situation in another block near it (3x3x3 area). It gives a visual representation of the amount of RF in the block and can also send out a redstone signal under certain conditions.
  • Crafter: this is an automatic crafter that can handle up to 8 recipes at once and also allows crafting recipes to use the results of earlier recipes in the same machine.
  • Scanner: with this block you can make it easier to find your stuff in your storage network.
  • Power Relay: with this block you can throttle down a part of your power network in case a redstone signal is given (or not). This can be used (in combination with the RF Monitor) to turn off ore procession (for example) in case your main power system doesn’t have enough power.
  • Teleportation system: several blocks for a powerful teleportation system.
  • Power generation: RFTools contains a powerful but rather complicated power generation system for the more adventerous tinkerers among you.
  • Simple but powerful shield system that can selectively block players, mobs, items, animals and so on.
  • Developers Delight item. A tool for developers!
  • A modular screen system to display various values like energy level, fluid contents, time of the day, dimension power and so on.
  • A powerful mob spawner.
  • A Block Protector that uses RF to protect blocks against harvesting and explosions. Ideal for your Wither spawner for example or just to protect your base.
  • A very comprehensive and fully featured dimension builder system!
  • Searchable and flexible modular storage system with supports for remote access.
  • Support for Open Computers and ComputerCraft (shield, teleportation system, dimension builder and screen controller).


How to install:

  • Download and install Minecraft Forge.
  • Download and install McJtyLib.
  • Download the mod.
  • Go to %appdata%.
  • Go to .minecraft/mods folder.
  • If the “mods” folder does not exist you can create one.
  • Drag and drop the downloaded jar (zip) file into that.
  • Enjoy the mod.

The post [1.12] RFTools Mod Download appeared first on Minecraft Forum.

[1.9.4] Tumbleweed Mod Download

[1.12] Tumbleweed Mod Download

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