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[1.11.2] YABBA Mod Download


YABBA Mod adds barrels where you can store one item type, but many items. You can put upgrades on these barrels to increase capacity, explosion durability, add redstone output and other things.


Minecraft Forge


How to install:

  1. Make sure you have already installed Minecraft Forge and FTBLib.
  2. Locate the minecraft application folder.
    • On windows open Run from the start menu, type %appdata% and click Run.
    • On mac open finder, hold down ALT and click Go then Library in the top menu bar. Open the folder Application Support and look for Minecraft.
  3. Place the mod you have just downloaded (.jar file) into the Mods folder.
  4. When you launch Minecraft and click the mods button you should now see the mod is installed.

The post [1.11.2] YABBA Mod Download appeared first on Minecraft Forum.

[1.12] YABBA Mod Download


YABBA Mod adds barrels where you can store one item type, but many items. You can put upgrades on these barrels to increase capacity, explosion durability, add redstone output and other things.



Minecraft Forge


How to install:

  1. Make sure you have already installed Minecraft Forge and FTBLib.
  2. Locate the minecraft application folder.
    • On windows open Run from the start menu, type %appdata% and click Run.
    • On mac open finder, hold down ALT and click Go then Library in the top menu bar. Open the folder Application Support and look for Minecraft.
  3. Place the mod you have just downloaded (.jar file) into the Mods folder.
  4. When you launch Minecraft and click the mods button you should now see the mod is installed.

The post [1.12] YABBA Mod Download appeared first on Minecraft Forum.

[1.12] BiblioCraft Mod Download


BiblioCraft Mod is a fairly simple mod that adds 8 new types of unique storage blocks to display a few different items. There is a bookcase that shows up to 16 books on the shelf, an Armorstand to display a full set of armor. There is also a potion shelf for up to 12 potions, a tool rack to hang 4 different tools/weapons, a general shelf that can display any 4 items, a display case for a single fancy item, and a wooden label that can display up to 3 items in small scale for tasks such as indicating what is in a chest. The newest edition includes the wooden Desk that can hold up to 9 books.

BiblioCraft Mod for Minecraft

How to install BiblioCraft Mod:

  • Download and install Minecraft Forge.
  • Download the mod.
  • Click on the Start Menu in Windows.
  • Type run into the search box, and select the Run program at the top of the results.
  • Type %appdata% into the Run program, and press Enter.
  • Go to .minecraft/mods folder.
  • Drag and drop the downloaded jar (zip) file into that.
  • Enjoy the mod.

The post [1.12] BiblioCraft Mod Download appeared first on Minecraft Forum.

[1.12] Stalker Creepers Mod Download


Stalker Creepers Mod makes Creepers stalk you. Stalker Creepers Mod will quietly follow you as you walk past them and only explode when you turn around. When i saw “Creepers now stalk the player” in the patchnotes i was overjoyed, only to find out Jeb doesn’t quite know what stalking means. Available for Single- and Multiplayer.

How to install:

  • Download and install Minecraft Forge.
  • Download the mod.
  • Click on the Start Menu in Windows.
  • Type run into the search box, and select the Run program at the top of the results.
  • Type %appdata% into the Run program, and press Enter.
  • Go to .minecraft/mods folder.
  • Drag and drop the downloaded jar (zip) file into that.
  • Enjoy the mod.

The post [1.12] Stalker Creepers Mod Download appeared first on Minecraft Forum.

[1.12] Additional Banners Mod Download


Additional Banners Mod adds more banner patterns to Minecraft. This mod includes over 25 new banner patterns. Each pattern can be applied by putting a banner in a crafting grid along side the item or block in the item frame above. Each pattern can be dyed in any of the 16 minecraft colors, just like the vanilla ones.

These are some extra screen shots of the new patters.


Minecraft Forge

How to install:

  1. Make sure you have already installed Minecraft Forge.
  2. Locate the minecraft application folder.
    • On windows open Run from the start menu, type %appdata% and click Run.
    • On mac open finder, hold down ALT and click Go then Library in the top menu bar. Open the folder Application Support and look for Minecraft.
  3. Place the mod you have just downloaded (.jar file) into the Mods folder.
  4. When you launch Minecraft and click the mods button you should now see the mod is installed.

The post [1.12] Additional Banners Mod Download appeared first on Minecraft Forum.

[1.11.2] The Survivalist’s Mod Download


Have you ever been sittin in a cave or struggling to survive in a dark, musty dungeon underground? have you ever wished there was more incentive in Minecraft to get exploring the forest? The Survivalist’s Mod aims to satisfy that need.


The Survivalist’s Mod adds in a few new blocks and some items that will help to change the way you see your minecraft world.

  • First things first: trees are awesome. They were awesome before but now they are even better. While breakingd odwn a tree there is a chance that you will also get: sticks, tree branches, tree gems, or tree blood.
  • Tree branches can be used to make living tool rods or sticks.
  • Tree gems and Tree Blood can be used in conjunction with other tree parts to make Crystalline Arbor and Tree Life Core.
  • Tree gems and living tool rods can be used to make the tree gem tool set. *no armor yet
  • The tree life cores can be used to make living stone or combined with leaf crystals to make life essence.
  • The leaf crystals are made by smelting down tiled living stones which are made with a gold block and living stone.
  • Living stone will spread. As the living stone is touched it tries to spread around and give life to the stone around it.

This mod is not quite done. It has enough content that it can add to your game and still be enjoyable but it will have more later on.



Minecraft Forge

The post [1.11.2] The Survivalist’s Mod Download appeared first on Minecraft Forum.

[1.11.2] With Sprinkles Mod Download


With Sprinkles Mod includes a variety of items that fit into vanilla Minecraft.



Obsidian Hopper


This Block allows for items to be pulled out / put into  your personal Ender chest.  You must either place a Ender Chest on top of the Hopper or the Hopper must point into an Ender Chest.  NOTE: The Obsidan Hopper picks the Ender Chest to select by whoever placed the Obsidan Hopper.  This allows for wireless transfer of items across the world.  The hopper will only interact with the bottom row of your ender chest that way you can still use an ender chest for normal storage.

Infused Eye of Ender

The Infused Eye of Ender allows for access to your Ender chest anywhere in the world.  Just right click with this item in hand and you will see your personal Ender chest.  While accessing your ender chest the eye spins around.

Auto Dropper

As soon an item is inserted into the Auto dropper it will immediately spit it either into the inventory in front of it or it will spit it into the world.

An auto dropper can insert into another auto dropper to allow for rapid movement of items either horizontally or vertically.

Rain Detector

The rain detector emits a redstone signal while it is raining at the block.  The block emits a redstone signal of 4 for rain and 8 for thunderstorms.  The block fills with water when it rains.

Sorting Gem

The Sorting Gem, When activated by a sneaking right click, will automatically keep all items on your hot bar at max stack size, if you have items in your inventory that match the ones on your hot bar.  It will also keep your off hand always stocked if you have the items required.



Exchange will replace the block that you break with the block that is in your off hand.  This is handy for upgrading your cobblestone house to stone bricks or if you want to build a complex design. Sneaking will stop the Exchange Enchant from working.

Fiery Aura

Fiery Aura will attempt to smelt the block being mined.  If it is unable to smelt the block then the block will drop its normal drops.


Minecraft Forge

The post [1.11.2] With Sprinkles Mod Download appeared first on Minecraft Forum.

[1.11.2] The Nether Star Mod Download


The Nether Star Mod allows you to get nether stars easier.




How to install:

  • Download and install Minecraft Forge.
  • Download the mod.
  • Click on the Start Menu in Windows.
  • Type run into the search box, and select the Run program at the top of the results.
  • Type %appdata% into the Run program, and press Enter.
  • Go to .minecraft/mods folder.
  • Drag and drop the downloaded jar (zip) file into that.
  • Enjoy the mod.

The post [1.11.2] The Nether Star Mod Download appeared first on Minecraft Forum.

[1.10.2] Not Enough Potions Mod Download


Not Enough Potions Mod adds recipes for the Potion Core potions. It adds a mortar and pestle and a mixing cauldron block to use in making the new potions. This mod also changes the way the brewing stand renders so it shows the actual potions and item in it. There are also recipes for the vanilla potions that don’t have recipes like haste and saturation.


You can use the mortar and pestle block by placing an item in it then right clicking to grind the item. The granite mortar and pestle can only handle recipes that take 20 grinds or less, so it can’t grind up things like obsidian, diamonds and nether stars. You’ll have to make the diamond tipped one.


The mixing cauldron is used to mix potions. You can use it anywhere, but it works twice as well when placed above a fire block. You can use it by placing 3 potions in it, then clicking the cauldron until it mixes. If you got the recipe right, the color will change to the color of the result.


You can modify, remove, or add recipes for the brewing stand, mortar and pestle, and mixing cauldron, as well as crafting table and furnace using the config files.

Granite Mortar and Pestle:


Diamond Tipped Mortar and Pestle:


Mixing Cauldron:


Slicing Knife:


Glowing Feather:


Minced Veggies:


Minced Rabbit:


Diced Golden Apple:


Chopped Breeding Items:


Essence of Love:


Charged Mixture:


Explosive Mixture:


Shattered Prismarine Crystals:





How to install:

  • Download and install Minecraft Forge.
  • Download and install Potion Core.
  • Download the mod.
  • Go to %appdata%.
  • Go to .minecraft/mods folder.
  • If the “mods” folder does not exist you can create one.
  • Drag and drop the downloaded jar (zip) file into that.
  • Enjoy the mod.

The post [1.10.2] Not Enough Potions Mod Download appeared first on Minecraft Forum.

[1.11.2] Not Enough Potions Mod Download


Not Enough Potions Mod adds recipes for the Potion Core potions. It adds a mortar and pestle and a mixing cauldron block to use in making the new potions. This mod also changes the way the brewing stand renders so it shows the actual potions and item in it. There are also recipes for the vanilla potions that don’t have recipes like haste and saturation.


You can use the mortar and pestle block by placing an item in it then right clicking to grind the item. The granite mortar and pestle can only handle recipes that take 20 grinds or less, so it can’t grind up things like obsidian, diamonds and nether stars. You’ll have to make the diamond tipped one.


The mixing cauldron is used to mix potions. You can use it anywhere, but it works twice as well when placed above a fire block. You can use it by placing 3 potions in it, then clicking the cauldron until it mixes. If you got the recipe right, the color will change to the color of the result.


You can modify, remove, or add recipes for the brewing stand, mortar and pestle, and mixing cauldron, as well as crafting table and furnace using the config files.

Granite Mortar and Pestle:


Diamond Tipped Mortar and Pestle:


Mixing Cauldron:


Slicing Knife:


Glowing Feather:


Minced Veggies:


Minced Rabbit:


Diced Golden Apple:


Chopped Breeding Items:


Essence of Love:


Charged Mixture:


Explosive Mixture:


Shattered Prismarine Crystals:





How to install:

  • Download and install Minecraft Forge.
  • Download and install Potion Core.
  • Download the mod.
  • Go to %appdata%.
  • Go to .minecraft/mods folder.
  • If the “mods” folder does not exist you can create one.
  • Drag and drop the downloaded jar (zip) file into that.
  • Enjoy the mod.

The post [1.11.2] Not Enough Potions Mod Download appeared first on Minecraft Forum.

[1.12] Tough As Nails Mod Download


Tough As Nails Mod is a survival mod that aims to increase difficulties through realistic features such as thirst and body temperature. In addition, there are other features that tie into it like a seasonal system with changing grass/foliage colors. Temperature shifting for snow in biomes is an adding feature in this mod.




Seasons are a major feature in Tough As Nails Mod. Not only do grass and foliage colors change between seasons, but temperatures shift, and in winter, snow can appear in some biomes that don’t normally get snow.

There are technically 12 seasons in Tough As Nails with each of the 4 seasons (Spring, Summer, Autumn, and Winter) having an Early, Mid, and Late sub-season. Each sub-season lasts for 7 in-game days by default, so a full year lasts for 84 in-game days.



Thirst is one of the major components of Tough As Nails. It is similar to hunger in which it will drop from moving around a lot. You also cannot sprint if your thirst is too low, and you will die of dehydration on Hard/Hardcore difficulties. There are a variety of ways to quench your thirst, from canteens to juices.


Body Temperature

Body Temperature is arguably the most prominent feature in Tough As Nails. Your body temperature is controlled by many different things, from the biome temperature, to the time of day, and more.


Lowered Starting Health

Lowered Starting Health is one of the primary features of Tough As Nails. Depending on the difficulty level, you will start with less health than normal.



  • Season Sensor
  • Campfire
  • Rain Collector
  • Heating & Cooling Coils

Check out the official Tough As Nails wiki for more information about the mod, crafting recipes, and more!


Minecraft Forge

The post [1.12] Tough As Nails Mod Download appeared first on Minecraft Forum.

[1.12] Cyclic Mod Download


In Cyclic Mod, all the features are added to satisfy Minecraft players and surprisingly, these features are combined in this mod. There is a ton of random items and changes that have no consistent themes other than I thought they would be fun. (Inspired in part by Quark and Extra Utilities).



Overview of items in the creative inventory


Slime Pads: launch up any entity that lands on it.  Can be upgraded.


Cyclic Scepter: A Tool for long range building – The mod is named after this item.


Piston Scepter – Push pull and rotate blocks.  It even pushes chests and keeps their inventory.

Brewable Potions of Resistance, Haste, Health Boost, Luck, Waterwalk, Levitation, Magnet, Ender Aura, and Slowfall


Emerald Apple to cure villagers and unlock any ‘X’d out trades


Unlockable Survival inventory tabs


A sack that transports blocks with inventory (such as chests) with their contents

A machine that reverses crafting

A machine that builds simple structures over time – circles and walls

Example of one of the many config pages

Ender Book to save waypoints and teleport back to where you have already been (same dimension)

Three different Scythes to harvest large areas.  The Garden Scythe replants crops for you.

Each of these features can be disabled in the config file individually

  • Generate clay, sand, and dirt in the ocean instead of only gravel (like the old days)
  • Generate ore in netherrack (lapis, emerald, gold, coal, diamond). The gold gives nuggets when mined
  • Generate ore in the end (lapis, emerald, redstone, coal, diamond)
  • Vanilla emerald ore now can spawn at any height, not only below the ground [still only in the Extreme Hills biomes as normal]
  • Vanilla gold ore can spawn in and river biomes at any height
  • Vanilla ores of all kinds can rarely spawn at all world heights, but only in veins of size one. Great for amplified
  • Crops spawn randomly with nature. Carrots in extreme hills, wheat in plains, beetroot in forests, potatoes in taiga.

Magic Bean – gives a random mystery item when harvested.

Slime Conveyor

Emerald armor & tools that are weaker than diamond, but stronger than iron

  • New enchantments: Double Jump, Venom, Magnet
  • Projectiles, such as fire, lightning, water, explosions
  • Dungeon finder that works like the ender eye but finds the closest spawner
  • Food to upgrade horses
  • A reuseable ender pearl
  • Chorus based food that lets you phase through walls
  • Three different scythes to cut down leaves and plants, and replants crops for you

Also changes to game logic – all shown in the in-game config menu

  • Expanded player inventory and 3×3 crafting (eat special food to unlock)
  • Editing signs with your bare hand
  • Faster ladder climbing
  • Unbreakable spawners
  • More items burnable as fuel
  • Tweaked mob drops
  • Mobs spawn in more biomes
  • Ore spawns in the nether and end
  • Open chests right through signs
  • changes to saplings
  • generate gold in rivers
  • generate crops in certain biomes
  • generate different ocean gravel
  • Ender pearls work on horseback – your mount comes with you
  • heart container item to increase your health
  • 4 new enchantments
  • upgrade your horses  speed health and jump
  • 2 new villager types added with new trades – Sage and Druid
  • Huge image gallery showing the config menu and recipes
  • playlist of above youtube videos


Minecraft Forge

The post [1.12] Cyclic Mod Download appeared first on Minecraft Forum.

[1.11.2] Dungeon Tactics Mod Download


Dungeon Tactics Mod is a gameplay focused mod by adding new types of melee weapons, new ranged weapons, and new tiers of armour and tools. Aswell as craftable traps to help you defend your base. Along with Towers and randomly generated Dungeons. All that and some other fun things.


Current Features:


  • Daggers and Hammers of all material types
  • Two new material types, with armour and tools
  • Slingshot – uses various ammo types, such as seeds and small rocks
  • Thrown grenades – can also be dispensed
  • Potshot – uses fire charges for ammo
  • Heart drops – drops from entities, heals a small amount when picked up. Can be bottled and crafted into Heart of Gold for semi-permanent absorption hearts


  • Magic Tether – sneak+use to teleport to your bed
  • Bone Charms – remove stated debuff when used – ‘fragile’ – dropped by Tower Guardian
  • Phylactery – will consume itself to save you from death – dropped by WitherBoss
  • Bag of Hoarding – portable Ender Chest
  • Duct Tape: Repairs one item on hotbar
  • Portable Tunneling Device – requires gunpowder. Right-click blocks to tunnel – place in dispenser (with Sonic Boom enchant) for ghetto block breaker
  • Engineers Doorag & Dungarees – nullify the effects of traps, not great as armour.
  • Rocket Pants – requires gunpowder
  • Flight Goggles – allows Rocket Pants to float down
  • Bounce Boots
  • Battle Harness


  • Obsidian Bricks
  • Dungeon Glass – Generates in Towers, blocks most light.
  • Wither Web
    Powered Bars
  • Fan Block – will attempt to clear certain blocks (redstone dust, torches, etc) and extinguish fire
    Trap Plates – Various effects, pretty obvious by name
  • Loot Bags


  • Tower Guardian – Spawns at the top of Towers (or use a Netherstar on an armoured Skeleton) – currently WIP, not fully implemented.
  • World Gen:
    Flowers – Not just pretty, spread like mushrooms
  • Mob Towers
  • Randomly generated dungeons
  • Nether Gold Ore
  • Nether Mob Boxes – similar to vanilla dungeons, but in the nether


  • Potion Fish – intended as an early game alternative to potions
  • Cherry Bombs – found on bushes, can be thrown/dispensed, or used as Slingshot ammo (these are mostly just for fun)
  • Ore Clusters – allows for fortune on Iron and Gold
  • I have added some of my items to vanilla chest loot
  • Custom villager trades (currently disabled)
  • Config options
  • My mob drops respect the doMobLoot gamerule
  • My explosions respect the mobGreifing gamerule
  • My structures respect the world settings

For role-play purposes, if you right-click a carpet, slab, or stair with an empty hand, you will sit on the block, this also works with pressureplates and trapplates. This feature can be disabled in the config.

A couple of hints for players:

  • I have kept controls simple, so experiment with vanilla inputs (right-click, sneak, etc.)
  • The slingshot uses several different ammo types, so experiment with things you think a slingshot could shoot.
  • The new armours make up for their lower physical defence in other ways.



Minecraft Forge

How to install:

  1. Make sure you have already installed Minecraft Forge.
  2. Locate the minecraft application folder.
    • On windows open Run from the start menu, type %appdata% and click Run.
    • On mac open finder, hold down ALT and click Go then Library in the top menu bar. Open the folder Application Support and look for Minecraft.
  3. Place the mod you have just downloaded (.jar file) into the Mods folder.
  4. When you launch Minecraft and click the mods button you should now see the mod is installed.

The post [1.11.2] Dungeon Tactics Mod Download appeared first on Minecraft Forum.

[1.12] Bookshelf Mod Download


Bookshelf Mod  is a core/library mod, which adds new features and tools into the game for other content creators to work with. The primary focus of this project is to make use of the combined strength of the modded community to create wonderful tools that everyone can use.



Main Features

  • Horse Armor: Easily add new horse armor to the game.
  • ItemStack Colors: Change the color of any item by using a command, or editing NBT.
  • ItemEnchantedEvent: Event for altering enchantment behavior.
  • Many utilities, ranging from simple to complex.

How to install:

  • Download and install Minecraft Forge.
  • Download the mod.
  • Go to %appdata%.
  • Go to .minecraft/mods folder.
  • If the “mods” folder does not exist you can create one.
  • Drag and drop the downloaded jar (zip) file into that.
  • Enjoy the mod.

The post [1.12] Bookshelf Mod Download appeared first on Minecraft Forum.

[1.12] Lockdown Mod Download


Lockdown is a fairly small mod aimed towards mod packs which use a pre made map. The mod was originally made by The Adubbz for the FTB team for Pax East. He was recommended by Watchful1 to release the mod proper due to rising amount of Agrarian-Skies esque maps which would find something like it useful.



  • Lockdown’s main function is to create duplicates of a given template when creating a new world. The directory for this template can be defined in the config file (however it defaults to .minecraft/template). This template is in no strange format, you can simply copy/rename any existing world to be it. The use of a template over creating a regular world can be toggled in the config file (it is enabled by default).
  • Lockdown also allows a few GUI elements to be disabled/removed. The button for changing the game mode of the world, the more world options button and the button for multiplayer are all configurable and are disabled by default.


Minecraft Forge

How to install Lockdown Mod:

  • Download and install Minecraft Forge.
  • Download the mod.
  • Click on the Start Menu in Windows.
  • Type run into the search box, and select the Run program at the top of the results.
  • Type %appdata% into the Run program, and press Enter.
  • Go to .minecraft/mods folder.
  • Drag and drop the downloaded jar (zip) file into that.
  • Enjoy the mod.

The post [1.12] Lockdown Mod Download appeared first on Minecraft Forum.

[1.12] Simple Tree Drops Mod Download


Are you tired of only getting apples from your trees? Do you want a greater variety of fruits to include in your diet? Then Simple Tree Drops Mod is the mod for you. This mod adds a new fruit item for each type of leaves that doesn’t drop any fruit in vanilla.


Here’s a list of drops added in this mod:

  • Spruce Leaves →  Walnuts (0.5% chance)
  • Birch Leaves →  Peach (0.5% chance)
  • Jungle Leaves →  Banana (0.5% chance)
  • Acacia Leaves →  Orange (0.5% chance)
  • All Leaves → Stick (5% chance; 2.5% chance for Jungle Leaves)


Simple Tree Drops also adds new farmer villager trades, unlocked as third tier trades:

  • Emerald →  Walnuts (5–7)
  • Emerald →  Peaches (5–7)
  • Emerald →  Bananas (5–7)
  • Emerald →  Oranges (5–7)



Minecraft Forge

The post [1.12] Simple Tree Drops Mod Download appeared first on Minecraft Forum.

[1.12] Edible Bugs Mod Download


Are you hungry all the time and always looking for food.  Then look no further. Edible Bugs Mod adds bugs to block drops.  Dig dirt, grass blocks, sand,  or cut down trees and pick up bugs that you can eat.


How to use:

  • Search for termite mounds in Savanna’s.  Dig the mounds for termites and termite larvae.
  • Click the larvae on a dirt block to grow new mounds.
  • To auto farm the termite, build a Termite zapper and place dirt on the left side and the termite larvae on the right side in the GUI.  Turn on using a redstone signal.  Once the mounds reach 3 blocks tall, they will be farmed and re-planted if dirt and larvae are present.
  • Finally, add some vegetable oil to the fryer and cook all these bugs for even better food content.






Crafting Recipes:

Vegetable Oil

Edible Bugs Mod Crafting Recipes 1


Edible Bugs Mod Crafting Recipes 2

Bug Zapper

Edible Bugs Mod Crafting Recipes 3

How to use:

  • Search for termite mounds in Savanna’s. Dig the mounds for termites and termite larvae.
  • Click the larvae on a dirt block to grow new mounds.
  • To auto farm the termite, build a Termite zapper and place dirt on the left side and the termite larvae on the right side in the GUI. Turn on using a redstone signal. Once the mounds reach 3 blocks tall, they will be farmed and re-planted if dirt and larvae are present.
  • Finally, add some vegetable oil to the fryer and cook all these bugs for even better food content.


How to install Edible Bugs Mod:

  • Download and install Minecraft Forge.
  • Download the mod.
  • Click on the Start Menu in Windows.
  • Type run into the search box, and select the Run program at the top of the results.
  • Type %appdata% into the Run program, and press Enter.
  • Go to .minecraft/mods folder.
  • Drag and drop the downloaded jar (zip) file into that.
  • Enjoy the mod.

The post [1.12] Edible Bugs Mod Download appeared first on Minecraft Forum.

[1.12] Mo’ Bends Mod Download


If you think that Minecraft characters could be more realistic, instead of having steady and rigid animations, Mo’ Bends Mod is just for you!


Player Animations:

  • Standing
  • Walking
  • Running
  • Jumping
  • Sprint Jumping
  • Swimming
  • Three Sword Attacks
  • Fist Punch
  • Sneaking

Zombie Animations:

  • Standing
  • Walking

Spider Animations:

  • Standing
  • Walking
  • Jump Attack
  • Wall Climbing

Skeleton Animations:

  • – Standing
  • – Walking
  • – Archery


  • Sword Trails
  • Custom Hurt Effect
  • Custom Death Effect
  • Animation Customization

How to install Mo’ Bends Mod for Minecraft:

  • Download and install Minecraft Forge.
  • Download the mod.
  • Go to %appdata%.
  • Go to .minecraft/mods folder.
  • Drag and drop the downloaded jar (zip) file into it.
  • If one does not exist you can create one.
  • Enjoy the mod.

The post [1.12] Mo’ Bends Mod Download appeared first on Minecraft Forum.

[1.11.2] Mob Mash Mod Download


Mob Mash Mod is a Minecraft mod that adds several sophisticated and advanced new mobs, both hostile and passive, to your world. Each mob added carries a special AI to make them unique, challenging, and most important of all, fitting.

List of Features:

  • The Mothman is a dark and scary type of mob. He only spawns at night and is attracted to lights, but don’t think less of him for that. When ready to fight, the mothman charges at you at double speed and tries to swipe at your eyes and blind you, so make sure to hit at their feet or turn around when they’re about to hit you.
  • The Chupacabra not so much like the canine creature in American folklore but close enough, the Chupacabra only attacks animals when unprovoked. His special attack is a “leech hit” where for each heart he takes from his foes, he gains. Wear armor and use a shield when fighting against these guys, the less health they can steal the easier they are to fight off.
  • The Crocoduck was borrowed from an older mod I created. He doesn’t quack or hiss, he hacks, and he attacks anything he can fit in his mouth. They lay eggs which can be used to hatch a baby Crocoduck, which can be tamed with raw meat and used to hunt animals, but watch out, they won’t stop until your ground is littered in raw meat and other animal drops.
  • The Meme was inspired by the character “Pink Guy” from Filthy Frank. The meme does nothing on its own but scream loudly and run around violently, unless it is left alone to its own kind, where it very quickly learns how to behave like the mobs around it. This includes them eating grass when around sheep, being tamed the same way as wolves are in the presence of wolves, or raid farms with rabbits.
  • The Slagmite was borrowed from another mod I made called KAGIC, the slagmite is like a silverfish but it doesn’t hit in blocks and flees light wherever it may find it. Its signature move is the ability to fuse, or combine into one gigantic slagmite, with the combined health and damage of its consisting slagmites. When large enough, they bear a gray boss bar.
  • The Sandworm is barely visible as it waits slowly for its prey to wander near. Found only in deserts, the sandworm waits on the hot desert sand for something to walk by and attempt to fit its tiny jaws around. It’s ability to create sinkholes make it a sinister foe, but it is quick to subdue with a measly four hearts of health.
  • The Pirate is a treacherous, maritime mob that relentlessly tries to steal your booty (there are no girl pirates, so that be taken either way.) Pirates are capable of picking up items and placing them into an internal inventory, and when killed, their drops are placed in a chest that automatically sinks to the bottom of the ocean. Have fun treasure hunting!
  • The Nomad is a friendly desert mob who travel with their family, making a profit off of far off travelers. Nomads only take gold, they accept nothing else, making them extremely important when you’re hungry and have some gold to spare. They suffer the wrath of Husks, Spiders, and Sandworms, but they have their own tips and tricks to handle these baddies.


Minecraft Forge

The post [1.11.2] Mob Mash Mod Download appeared first on Minecraft Forum.

[1.12] Ceramics Mod Download


Ceramics Mod is designed to increase options early game using clay. Inspired by the clay bucket from Iguana Tinker Tweaks, this mod currently adds two features to the game:

  • Clay buckets can be used as an early game bucket, transporting cold liquids with ease, but breaking after use with hot liquids. Unlike some other clay bucket mods, these are fully dynamic and will automatically add variants for any mods that use the Forge universal bucket (for example, Tinker Construct).
  • Clay armor, designed as an early game armor. Reason being I tend to entirely skip leather armor early game since by the time you have enough for armor you already have iron.

There are more features in the works for later, but for now feel free to use it as a small feature mod.

Changes in version 1.0.1:

  • Fixed a bug with buckets containing fluids that have no block form
  • Switch clay bucket breaking from material based to temperature based. A few liquids might now work in buckets that did not before
  • A few more cases should play the breaking on bucket break now


Minecraft Forge

The post [1.12] Ceramics Mod Download appeared first on Minecraft Forum.

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