In Cyclic Mod, all the features are added to satisfy Minecraft players and surprisingly, these features are combined in this mod. There is a ton of random items and changes that have no consistent themes other than I thought they would be fun. (Inspired in part by Quark and Extra Utilities).
Overview of items in the creative inventory
Slime Pads: launch up any entity that lands on it. Can be upgraded.
Cyclic Scepter: A Tool for long range building – The mod is named after this item.
Piston Scepter – Push pull and rotate blocks. It even pushes chests and keeps their inventory.
Brewable Potions of Resistance, Haste, Health Boost, Luck, Waterwalk, Levitation, Magnet, Ender Aura, and Slowfall
Emerald Apple to cure villagers and unlock any ‘X’d out trades
Unlockable Survival inventory tabs
A sack that transports blocks with inventory (such as chests) with their contents
A machine that reverses crafting
A machine that builds simple structures over time – circles and walls
Example of one of the many config pages
Ender Book to save waypoints and teleport back to where you have already been (same dimension)
Three different Scythes to harvest large areas. The Garden Scythe replants crops for you.
Each of these features can be disabled in the config file individually
- Generate clay, sand, and dirt in the ocean instead of only gravel (like the old days)
- Generate ore in netherrack (lapis, emerald, gold, coal, diamond). The gold gives nuggets when mined
- Generate ore in the end (lapis, emerald, redstone, coal, diamond)
- Vanilla emerald ore now can spawn at any height, not only below the ground [still only in the Extreme Hills biomes as normal]
- Vanilla gold ore can spawn in and river biomes at any height
- Vanilla ores of all kinds can rarely spawn at all world heights, but only in veins of size one. Great for amplified
- Crops spawn randomly with nature. Carrots in extreme hills, wheat in plains, beetroot in forests, potatoes in taiga.
Magic Bean – gives a random mystery item when harvested.
Slime Conveyor
Emerald armor & tools that are weaker than diamond, but stronger than iron
- New enchantments: Double Jump, Venom, Magnet
- Projectiles, such as fire, lightning, water, explosions
- Dungeon finder that works like the ender eye but finds the closest spawner
- Food to upgrade horses
- A reuseable ender pearl
- Chorus based food that lets you phase through walls
- Three different scythes to cut down leaves and plants, and replants crops for you
Also changes to game logic – all shown in the in-game config menu
- Expanded player inventory and 3×3 crafting (eat special food to unlock)
- Editing signs with your bare hand
- Faster ladder climbing
- Unbreakable spawners
- More items burnable as fuel
- Tweaked mob drops
- Mobs spawn in more biomes
- Ore spawns in the nether and end
- Open chests right through signs
- changes to saplings
- generate gold in rivers
- generate crops in certain biomes
- generate different ocean gravel
- Ender pearls work on horseback – your mount comes with you
- heart container item to increase your health
- 4 new enchantments
- upgrade your horses speed health and jump
- 2 new villager types added with new trades – Sage and Druid
- Huge image gallery showing the config menu and recipes
- playlist of above youtube videos
Minecraft Forge
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