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[1.10.2] SecurityCraft Mod Download


SecurityCraft Mod adds exactly what the name suggests: Lasers, retinal scanners, keypads, unbreakable doors and more. Pairs well with mods such as Smart Moving, Secret Rooms, and the Wall Jump mod. You now have the option to set up passwords and key-codes to gain access through doors which are unbreakable, except by the owner.

SecurityCraft Mod

Laser tripwire:

When you place two laser tripwire blocks within 5 blocks of each other with no blocks in-between, it spawns a laser between the two blocks, and when you walk through it, the two source blocks give out redstone power.

How it looks like:


When you walk through it, it gives off redstone power:



When you place the keypad block, the first time you right-click it, it opens a setup screen which allows you to setup your passcode for that specific keypad. After you hit that button/ right-click the block after that first time, it allows you to enter your passcode. Once you type it in correctly, it closes the GUI and gives out redstone power for 3 seconds.

How it looks like:


The setup screen:


The keypad screen:


An active keypad:



After placing the mine, any entity that walks on it (besides a creeper, cat, or ocelot), including players,will
automaticaly get blown up. You can not place the mine on flowers, cactus, glass, or air.

How it looks like:


The explosion:


A defused mine:

SecurityCraft Mod


When you right-click a keypad with the codebreaker, it automaticaly cracks the code for you.

Block Mines:

These act like the standard mines, except they look exactly like normal blocks for easy camoflaging.

SecurityCraft Mod

Reinforced door:

They act the same as standard iron doors, except they are unbreakable!
Ever made a huge obsidian bunker, and thought, “WOW! No one can break in to this!”. Then the next time you come back to it, the doors broken, and everything is gone. This will stop that from happening! Plop down these guys, and only the player who places it can break it using the door remover.

How it looks like:

SecurityCraft Mod

Door remover:

Right-clicking on a reinforced door will destroy it, ONLY if your username matches the username of the player who placed the door you right-clicked on.

Fake water/ Fake lava:

They both do the opposite of they are supposed to do! You can be completely submerged in the lava, and you wont die. But so much as touching the water will pretty much instantly kill you….

How it looks like:

SecurityCraft Mod

Bouncing betty:

This is a variation of the mine which will bounce up and explode when you step on it.

How it looks like:

SecurityCraft Mod

SecurityCraft Mod

Iron trapdoor:

This is the same as a standard trapdoor, except the only way you can open it is with redstone power.

How it looks like:

SecurityCraft Mod

Keycard reader/keycards:

The keycard reader will only provide redstone power when you right-click it with a keycard with a level higher then or equal to the level you selected in the keycard reader’s GUI.

How it looks like (keycard reader):

SecurityCraft Mod

Rail mines:

This type of mine explodes when a minecart passes over them.

Portable radar:

This radar, when placed, will send the owner of the radar chat messages whenever another player comes within the radar’s detection radius (default: 50 blocks, configurable).

How it looks like:

SecurityCraft Mod

Cage trap:

*Doesn’t have a texture currently.*

Whenever a player steps on the block, it will spawn a cage made of reinforced iron bars (see below) around the player.

Reinforced iron bars:

This block is the same as standard iron bars, except it is unbreakable.

How it looks like:

SecurityCraft Mod

Inventory scanner:

When you place two scanners a block apart from each other, a field will spawn between them, kinda like the Laser Block. Right-clicking either of the blocks will open a GUI which will allow you to enter block/item ID’s. If a player walks inside of the field between the two blocks carrying a block/item with the same ID as any ID you entered (in the GUI), it will automatically be deleted. Even if the player trys to throw the block/item through the field, it will also be removed. In a future update, it will store those deleted items in a built-in inventory.

How it looks like:

SecurityCraft Mod

Mine remote access tool:

Whenever you right-click a mine with this tool equiped, it will “bind” the mine to the tool. If you right-click while holding it, it will open a GUI which will allow you to activate, deactivate, or detonate any bound mine(s).

Retinal scanner:

Standing directly in front of the scanner will have the block emit redstone power for three seconds, but it will only work for the player who placed the block down.

How it looks like:


Password-protected chest:

This acts as a hybrid between a keypad and a chest. Right-clicking it will open a GUI similar to the keypad, but when the code is entered correctly, it will let you access a inventory, similar to the standard chest.

How it looks like:


Username logger (needs texture):

This block will record any player(within a certain radius)’s name (default radius: 3, editable in the configuration file) in it’s GUI whenever it is powered by redstone.

Reinforced stone:

Reinforced stone acts the same as regular stone, except it is unbreakable. Only the person who placed it down can remove it with the universal block remover.


The alarm will make a siren sound every two seconds (configurable in the config file) while it is being powered by redstone.

/sc command:

Typing “/sc recipe laserblock” will post the laser block’s recipe in the chat. Alternatively, typing “/sc help laserblock” will give you a description of the laser block.

In-game bug reporting:

Using the “/sc” command, you are able to report bugs directly to my IRC channel. Type “/sc connect” to connect to IRC (the name you will use in IRC will be “SCUser_” + *your username*. Then type “/sc bug “. Once you do that, the bug will be posted in my channel, #GeforceMods. Also, if you need to contact me directly, use the ‘/sc contact ‘ command. My replies will appear directly in the Minecraft chat window! If you want to disconnect from IRC, type “/sc disconnect”.

Crafting Recipes:

Laser Block:

SecurityCraft Mod


SecurityCraft Mod


SecurityCraft Mod


SecurityCraft Mod

Reinforced Door:

SecurityCraft Mod

Block Mines (Its a shapeless recipe, just combine a block (sand, dirt, etc.) and a mine:

SecurityCraft Mod

Door remover:

SecurityCraft Mod

Keycard reader:

SecurityCraft Mod


Minecraft Forge

How to install SecurityCraft Mod:

  1. Make sure you have already installed Minecraft Forge.
  2. Locate the minecraft application folder.
    • On windows open Run from the start menu, type %appdata% and click Run.
    • On mac open finder, hold down ALT and click Go then Library in the top menu bar. Open the folder Application Support and look for Minecraft.
  3. Place the mod you have just downloaded (.jar file) into the Mods folder.
  4. When you launch Minecraft and click the mods button you should now see the mod is installed.

The post [1.10.2] SecurityCraft Mod Download appeared first on Minecraft Forum.

[1.11.2] SecurityCraft Mod Download


SecurityCraft Mod adds exactly what the name suggests: Lasers, retinal scanners, keypads, unbreakable doors and more. Pairs well with mods such as Smart Moving, Secret Rooms, and the Wall Jump mod. You now have the option to set up passwords and key-codes to gain access through doors which are unbreakable, except by the owner.

SecurityCraft Mod

Laser tripwire:

When you place two laser tripwire blocks within 5 blocks of each other with no blocks in-between, it spawns a laser between the two blocks, and when you walk through it, the two source blocks give out redstone power.

How it looks like:


When you walk through it, it gives off redstone power:



When you place the keypad block, the first time you right-click it, it opens a setup screen which allows you to setup your passcode for that specific keypad. After you hit that button/ right-click the block after that first time, it allows you to enter your passcode. Once you type it in correctly, it closes the GUI and gives out redstone power for 3 seconds.

How it looks like:


The setup screen:


The keypad screen:


An active keypad:



After placing the mine, any entity that walks on it (besides a creeper, cat, or ocelot), including players,will
automaticaly get blown up. You can not place the mine on flowers, cactus, glass, or air.

How it looks like:


The explosion:


A defused mine:

SecurityCraft Mod


When you right-click a keypad with the codebreaker, it automaticaly cracks the code for you.

Block Mines:

These act like the standard mines, except they look exactly like normal blocks for easy camoflaging.

SecurityCraft Mod

Reinforced door:

They act the same as standard iron doors, except they are unbreakable!
Ever made a huge obsidian bunker, and thought, “WOW! No one can break in to this!”. Then the next time you come back to it, the doors broken, and everything is gone. This will stop that from happening! Plop down these guys, and only the player who places it can break it using the door remover.

How it looks like:

SecurityCraft Mod

Door remover:

Right-clicking on a reinforced door will destroy it, ONLY if your username matches the username of the player who placed the door you right-clicked on.

Fake water/ Fake lava:

They both do the opposite of they are supposed to do! You can be completely submerged in the lava, and you wont die. But so much as touching the water will pretty much instantly kill you….

How it looks like:

SecurityCraft Mod

Bouncing betty:

This is a variation of the mine which will bounce up and explode when you step on it.

How it looks like:

SecurityCraft Mod

SecurityCraft Mod

Iron trapdoor:

This is the same as a standard trapdoor, except the only way you can open it is with redstone power.

How it looks like:

SecurityCraft Mod

Keycard reader/keycards:

The keycard reader will only provide redstone power when you right-click it with a keycard with a level higher then or equal to the level you selected in the keycard reader’s GUI.

How it looks like (keycard reader):

SecurityCraft Mod

Rail mines:

This type of mine explodes when a minecart passes over them.

Portable radar:

This radar, when placed, will send the owner of the radar chat messages whenever another player comes within the radar’s detection radius (default: 50 blocks, configurable).

How it looks like:

SecurityCraft Mod

Cage trap:

*Doesn’t have a texture currently.*

Whenever a player steps on the block, it will spawn a cage made of reinforced iron bars (see below) around the player.

Reinforced iron bars:

This block is the same as standard iron bars, except it is unbreakable.

How it looks like:

SecurityCraft Mod

Inventory scanner:

When you place two scanners a block apart from each other, a field will spawn between them, kinda like the Laser Block. Right-clicking either of the blocks will open a GUI which will allow you to enter block/item ID’s. If a player walks inside of the field between the two blocks carrying a block/item with the same ID as any ID you entered (in the GUI), it will automatically be deleted. Even if the player trys to throw the block/item through the field, it will also be removed. In a future update, it will store those deleted items in a built-in inventory.

How it looks like:

SecurityCraft Mod

Mine remote access tool:

Whenever you right-click a mine with this tool equiped, it will “bind” the mine to the tool. If you right-click while holding it, it will open a GUI which will allow you to activate, deactivate, or detonate any bound mine(s).

Retinal scanner:

Standing directly in front of the scanner will have the block emit redstone power for three seconds, but it will only work for the player who placed the block down.

How it looks like:


Password-protected chest:

This acts as a hybrid between a keypad and a chest. Right-clicking it will open a GUI similar to the keypad, but when the code is entered correctly, it will let you access a inventory, similar to the standard chest.

How it looks like:


Username logger (needs texture):

This block will record any player(within a certain radius)’s name (default radius: 3, editable in the configuration file) in it’s GUI whenever it is powered by redstone.

Reinforced stone:

Reinforced stone acts the same as regular stone, except it is unbreakable. Only the person who placed it down can remove it with the universal block remover.


The alarm will make a siren sound every two seconds (configurable in the config file) while it is being powered by redstone.

/sc command:

Typing “/sc recipe laserblock” will post the laser block’s recipe in the chat. Alternatively, typing “/sc help laserblock” will give you a description of the laser block.

In-game bug reporting:

Using the “/sc” command, you are able to report bugs directly to my IRC channel. Type “/sc connect” to connect to IRC (the name you will use in IRC will be “SCUser_” + *your username*. Then type “/sc bug “. Once you do that, the bug will be posted in my channel, #GeforceMods. Also, if you need to contact me directly, use the ‘/sc contact ‘ command. My replies will appear directly in the Minecraft chat window! If you want to disconnect from IRC, type “/sc disconnect”.

Crafting Recipes:

Laser Block:

SecurityCraft Mod


SecurityCraft Mod


SecurityCraft Mod


SecurityCraft Mod

Reinforced Door:

SecurityCraft Mod

Block Mines (Its a shapeless recipe, just combine a block (sand, dirt, etc.) and a mine:

SecurityCraft Mod

Door remover:

SecurityCraft Mod

Keycard reader:

SecurityCraft Mod


Minecraft Forge

How to install SecurityCraft Mod:

  1. Make sure you have already installed Minecraft Forge.
  2. Locate the minecraft application folder.
    • On windows open Run from the start menu, type %appdata% and click Run.
    • On mac open finder, hold down ALT and click Go then Library in the top menu bar. Open the folder Application Support and look for Minecraft.
  3. Place the mod you have just downloaded (.jar file) into the Mods folder.
  4. When you launch Minecraft and click the mods button you should now see the mod is installed.

The post [1.11.2] SecurityCraft Mod Download appeared first on Minecraft Forum.

[1.12] Thut’s Elevators Mod Download


Thut’s Elevators Mod adds dynamic elevators to minecraft.  It currently has support for up to 64 floors, with many controllers per floor, so long as they are directly touching each other.
Here is a mod spotlight showing the basic features of the 1.8.9 version mod:



How to use:

  • For oc version, the following methods are available in open computers: setFloor(integer), getFloor(), callFloor(integer) and callYValue(integer)
  • To set the Controller block face on, right click it with a stick or device linker.  to change the page of the controller face, right click with a linker.
  • To set the floor, shift right click with the linker.  Physically touching controller blocks will automatically link together as the same floor, this allows you to make larger control panels.
  • To remove an elevator, shift right click it with a vanilla stick or a wrench from another mod
  • For version 2.0 and later, the lifts have been changed to only require the base to be built.  the walls and roof are no longer required.

Versions for MC 1.8.9+ require ThutCore.


Minecraft Forge

The post [1.12] Thut’s Elevators Mod Download appeared first on Minecraft Forum.

[1.12] Terraqueous Mod Download


Terraqueous Mod adds loads of things including: Fruit, Trees, Pergolas, Flowers, Pots, Clouds, Tools, and more.


Type /FruzstratedsGuide in-game for recipes and info.

Fruit Trees


Trees will spawn in the world and and bear a variety of fruit: Apple, Pear, Peach, Mango, Orange, Lemon, Cherry, Plum, Coconut, Banana.

All trees have there own unique wood, and wood objects; such as fences and doors.

Other non-tree fruit is also added.



Three blocks are added for building Pergolas: The Roof, Lattice Fence, and Lattice Fence Gate.

A connected model system is used to change the look depending on the surrounding pieces.

With a wide array of colors to choose.



Sixteen different color flowers generate in the world.

These can be used to make dye or for decoration.

For decoration there are 2 types of planter pots.



Light, Dense, and Storm clouds generate in the world.

These can be walked on with a Feather Talisman.

A variety of decorative cloud blocks can be crafted to make a house in the sky.



Craft Bench

A crafting table with an inventory, a recipe can be set up for automation.

Craft Furnace

A furnace with multiple slots. It smelts 12 per coal, and 2 at a time.

Paintbrush & Paintings

Added earth and cloud paintings. The brush lets you cycle through Appearances.


Just a hammer that can be used like a wrench, or is it something more… probably not.

Telescoping Scythe / Sickle

Useful for harvesting finished crops, or for clearing leaves and grass.


Usable as a pick, shovel, hoe, or weapon.

Mines a 1x3x3 chunk. Items go directly into inventory and are auto smelted.

Feather Talisman

Allows you to walk on clouds; equipped on chest slot or neck if Baubles is installed.

Ender Monocle

Allows you to see enchants in the enchanting table added by the mod.


Used to color blocks such as wool, glass, pots, pergolas and more.


Minecraft Forge


The post [1.12] Terraqueous Mod Download appeared first on Minecraft Forum.

[1.9.4] Base Metals Mod Download


Base Metals Mod adds historically common metals to Minecraft, specifically silver, copper, tin, lead, zinc, mercury, and nickel, as well as the fantasy metals cold-iron, mithril, adamantine, and star-steel. For most of these metals, you can craft all of the standard Minecraft tools and metal-related blocks. Base Metals also adds a new tool, the crack hammer (aka sledgehammer). The crack hammer lets you pulverize ores and items into powders. Just like the Crusher in the Metallurgy 3 mod, pulverizing an ore block with the crack hammer will double your metal production.


Elemental Metals


Metal Alloys












Fantasy Metals






Mining Metal Ores


The CrackHammer


Using the CrackHammer to crush a block of copper ore into two piles of powdered copper:


Using the CrackHammer to crush a non-block items:



Most metals have all of the following recipes, but some do not have ores (metal alloys) and some cannot be made into tools. The metal used in this example is copper.


How to install:

  • Download and install Minecraft Forge.
  • Download the mod.
  • Go to %appdata%.
  • Go to .minecraft/mods folder.
  • If the “mods” folder does not exist you can create one.
  • Drag and drop the downloaded jar (zip) file into it.
  • Enjoy the mod.

The post [1.9.4] Base Metals Mod Download appeared first on Minecraft Forum.

[1.10.2] Base Metals Mod Download


Base Metals Mod adds historically common metals to Minecraft, specifically silver, copper, tin, lead, zinc, mercury, and nickel, as well as the fantasy metals cold-iron, mithril, adamantine, and star-steel. For most of these metals, you can craft all of the standard Minecraft tools and metal-related blocks. Base Metals also adds a new tool, the crack hammer (aka sledgehammer). The crack hammer lets you pulverize ores and items into powders. Just like the Crusher in the Metallurgy 3 mod, pulverizing an ore block with the crack hammer will double your metal production.


Elemental Metals


Metal Alloys












Fantasy Metals






Mining Metal Ores


The CrackHammer


Using the CrackHammer to crush a block of copper ore into two piles of powdered copper:


Using the CrackHammer to crush a non-block items:



Most metals have all of the following recipes, but some do not have ores (metal alloys) and some cannot be made into tools. The metal used in this example is copper.


How to install:

  • Download and install Minecraft Forge.
  • Download the mod.
  • Go to %appdata%.
  • Go to .minecraft/mods folder.
  • If the “mods” folder does not exist you can create one.
  • Drag and drop the downloaded jar (zip) file into it.
  • Enjoy the mod.

The post [1.10.2] Base Metals Mod Download appeared first on Minecraft Forum.

[1.11.2] Base Metals Mod Download


Base Metals Mod adds historically common metals to Minecraft, specifically silver, copper, tin, lead, zinc, mercury, and nickel, as well as the fantasy metals cold-iron, mithril, adamantine, and star-steel. For most of these metals, you can craft all of the standard Minecraft tools and metal-related blocks. Base Metals also adds a new tool, the crack hammer (aka sledgehammer). The crack hammer lets you pulverize ores and items into powders. Just like the Crusher in the Metallurgy 3 mod, pulverizing an ore block with the crack hammer will double your metal production.


Elemental Metals


Metal Alloys












Fantasy Metals






Mining Metal Ores


The CrackHammer


Using the CrackHammer to crush a block of copper ore into two piles of powdered copper:


Using the CrackHammer to crush a non-block items:



Most metals have all of the following recipes, but some do not have ores (metal alloys) and some cannot be made into tools. The metal used in this example is copper.


How to install:

  • Download and install Minecraft Forge.
  • Download the mod.
  • Go to %appdata%.
  • Go to .minecraft/mods folder.
  • If the “mods” folder does not exist you can create one.
  • Drag and drop the downloaded jar (zip) file into it.
  • Enjoy the mod.

The post [1.11.2] Base Metals Mod Download appeared first on Minecraft Forum.

[1.12] Astral Sorcery Mod Download


Astral Sorcery Mod is a magic mod focused around harnessing the powers of starlight and the constellations. Explore and discover the world and the sky above you; focus starlight to your will, strengthening yourself or enhancing the world around you.


The mod itself has an ingame guide in form of the ‘Journal’ which will guide you through the mod if read carefully (Navigation in the journal is via mouse drag + scroll zoom). Certain structures in the world are required for proper progression.

Important notes:

  • This mod is currently in Beta state!
  • Using ‘AUTO’ GUI scale is not encouraged as there might be scaling issues.


The mod allows for a multitude of configurations of certain features, as well as options for maintainance and stability. Additionally, there are options for mod version-tracking and built-in retrogen (which will actually work soon-ish).



Minecraft Forge

The post [1.12] Astral Sorcery Mod Download appeared first on Minecraft Forum.

[1.10.2] Welcome to the Jungle Mod Download


Welcome to the Jungle Mod adds a variety of creatures, blocks and structures, as well as a few biomes and a dimension. All with the goal of enhancing the games jungle experience. There’s even a set of story orientated achievements.


In order to see the two new biomes, set world type to Meincraft: Jungle. The mod can, however,
function on a standard world type. The mods armour is soulbound, this may cause clashes with any mods you use that keep items after death. The new achievements are viewable by opening achievements and clicking the button that says Minecraft. All items, except spawn eggs, are found in their own tab of the creative inventory. Eggs are under Misc with all the others.



Minecraft Forge

How to install:

  1. Download and install Minecraft Forge.
  2. Download the mod.
  3. Click on the Start Menu in Windows.
  4. Type run into the search box, and select the Run program at the top of the results.
  5. Type %appdata% into the Run program, and press Enter.
  6. Go to .minecraft/mods folder.
  7. Drag and drop the downloaded jar (zip) file into that.
  8. Enjoy the mod.

The post [1.10.2] Welcome to the Jungle Mod Download appeared first on Minecraft Forum.

[1.10.2] Cubic Villager Mod Download


See also: Helpful Villagers Mod


  • Craft the wand using a emerald block and diamonds, blaze rods.
  • Use the wand to villager, it will dropping a VILLAGER BLOCK. (Consume a time of the wand.)
  • Villager block can connect with BC pipes etc…

How to:

Burn villager block using furnace, it turns to vacant villager block. Vacant villager block can be use as decoration block.

To revert villager block into villager.

  • Place 2 emerald blocks vertically.
  • Then place villager block above this.

Right click the villager block with wand, it drop block with trade informations. (Consume 2 times of the wand.)

Do you want heal worned wand?

  • Right-click the wand in mid-air.
  • Then repair the wand (add 21 times usage, up to 42 times) using one emerald in your inventory.

To get villager slab… (Until version 0.28)

  • Craft vacant villager block with axe (wood, iron, stone, gold, diamond).
  • Craft with two slabs, Vacant villager block come back.
  • Kill villager using sword or axe. (Some emeralds will drop.)

How to change result of crafting with two villager slabs.

  • Use MOD configuration screen(IT’S EASY! KEEP MINECRAFT RUNNING!) or change
  • B:RecipeVillagerSlabsIsRecovery in configuration file.(Need restart Minecraft, or only in server)
  • If B:RecipeVillagerSlabsIsRecovery is false, result is vacant villager block. Otherwise, result is villager block.
  • This option is applied from server if you playing in SMP.


Minecraft Forge

The post [1.10.2] Cubic Villager Mod Download appeared first on Minecraft Forum.

[1.12] Roots Mod Download


Roots Mod is a simple magic mod based around using the innate powers of various living things to do magic.


Getting Started:

All of the mod’s features are documented in an item known as the Runic Tablet.

First, break tall grass until you find an Old Root:


Then, craft a Runic Tablet like so:


All the information you need for the rest of the mod can be found in the tablet:





Minecraft Forge

How to install Roots Mod:

  • Download and install Minecraft Forge.
  • Download the mod.
  • Click on the Start Menu in Windows.
  • Type run into the search box, and select the Run program at the top of the results.
  • Type %appdata% into the Run program, and press Enter.
  • Go to .minecraft/mods folder.
  • Drag and drop the downloaded jar (zip) file into that.
  • Enjoy the mod.

The post [1.12] Roots Mod Download appeared first on Minecraft Forum.

[1.12] Embers Mod Download


Embers Mod is an interesting mod that will fuse many magic-themed elements with many more technical ones. I hope you will like this mod because of its interest.

Embers is best described as a dwarven magic mod. It features a smattering of magical and technical content, from staples such as ore doubling and item transport to alchemy and magical ray guns. All centered around the core mechanic of Ember, a limited form of power that you must extract from the world’s core near bedrock.

To get started, you will first need to find an Ancient Golem:

Slay the golem, dealing the final blow with a pickaxe to obtain an Eye of the Ancients:

Then, while looking at any of the mod’s blocks, simply hold the Eye in your hand to receive a full explanation of that block’s properties!


Energy System: An independent energy system (called Ember) with entity-based transfer methods. Use Ember Emitters and Ember Receptors to move power around!

Prospecting: Limited power generating in your world! Prospect around using the Atmospheric Gauge, and wait for that needle to wiggle to see if there’s Ember around!

Ore Doubling: Somewhat unconventional ore doubling! Put some ores into the Metal Smeltery (left), give the bottom block some Ember, and it’ll melt them down into molten metal. Pump that out into a Stamper Base, put a Stamper above it with an appropriate Stamp, and it’ll turn your metal into various item forms, like ingots or plates! The Stamper Base will either pop out the items into the world, or input them into a Bin behind it.

How to install Embers Mod:

  • Download and install Minecraft Forge.
  • Download the mod.
  • Click on the Start Menu in Windows.
  • Type run into the search box, and select the Run program at the top of the results.
  • Type %appdata% into the Run program, and press Enter.
  • Go to .minecraft/mods folder.
  • Drag and drop the downloaded jar (zip) file into that.
  • Enjoy the mod.

The post [1.12] Embers Mod Download appeared first on Minecraft Forum.

[1.11.2] Packet Filter Mod Download


The Packet Filter

The purpose of this block is to filter out “packets” of items from any number of inputs, so that if you have multiple types of items being inputted into an inventory it won’t clog up with any single item, instead it will be outputted in the exact ratio that is specified in the template slots. The demonstration is slightly outdated, as the block now adds buttons for filtering and ignoring NBT data.

Routing Packet Filter

Version 1.2.0 introduces a new block called the Routing Packet filter, which is a more advanced version of the packet filter that can set each output slot to output to a specific side of the block rather than all outputs only going out the bottom face. It also has the ability to auto-eject items (now in the WIP button in the above image).

Routing Item Splitter

Introduced in version 1.3.0, the Routing Item Splitter is essentially a multi-directional hopper that takes input through the top and will split the contents between any number of the other faces and eject them. In the above picture if you put, say, 20 iron ore in the top hopper it would distribute 10 iron ore to each furnace.


Minecraft Forge

The post [1.11.2] Packet Filter Mod Download appeared first on Minecraft Forum.

[1.12] Packet Filter Mod Download


The Packet Filter

The purpose of this block is to filter out “packets” of items from any number of inputs, so that if you have multiple types of items being inputted into an inventory it won’t clog up with any single item, instead it will be outputted in the exact ratio that is specified in the template slots. The demonstration is slightly outdated, as the block now adds buttons for filtering and ignoring NBT data.

Routing Packet Filter

Version 1.2.0 introduces a new block called the Routing Packet filter, which is a more advanced version of the packet filter that can set each output slot to output to a specific side of the block rather than all outputs only going out the bottom face. It also has the ability to auto-eject items (now in the WIP button in the above image).

Routing Item Splitter

Introduced in version 1.3.0, the Routing Item Splitter is essentially a multi-directional hopper that takes input through the top and will split the contents between any number of the other faces and eject them. In the above picture if you put, say, 20 iron ore in the top hopper it would distribute 10 iron ore to each furnace.


Minecraft Forge

The post [1.12] Packet Filter Mod Download appeared first on Minecraft Forum.

[1.12] Immersive Craft Mod Download


Immersive Craft Mod is an awesome mod in the game that provides you with an immersive way to handle, craft and store objects in Minecraft.

Immersive Craft Mod


  • Adds a chest where you can visually see and interact with the items in the chest
  • Adds a cupboard that works in a similar way but is mounted on the wall
  • Adds a furnace that works like a regular furnace but also features in-world interaction. You need to use flint and steel to ignite the coal in the furnace
  • Allows the player to place tools (axes, swords, ?) on any block by right clicking it
  • Adds worldgen for sticks and rocks in the world (can be disabled)
  • Adds a workbench to have an immersive way to craft. This workbench is still work in progress as you can now only craft a limited number of items. This will be improved later. To make a workbench (if you want to try it out) just place two logs in the world and right click with a stone axe
  • Adds a chisel and saw which are intented to be used in the toolslot of the workbench
  • Sticks can be placed on the ground in stacks of up to 64. Using flint and steel you can also make them burn (model slightly broken currently)



Minecraft Forge


How to install Immersive Craft Mod:

  • Download and install Minecraft Forge.
  • Download and install McJtyLib.
  • Download the mod.
  • Click on the Start Menu in Windows.
  • Type run into the search box, and select the Run program at the top of the results.
  • Type %appdata% into the Run program, and press Enter.
  • Go to .minecraft/mods folder.
  • Drag and drop the downloaded jar (zip) file into that.
  • Enjoy the mod.

The post [1.12] Immersive Craft Mod Download appeared first on Minecraft Forum.

[1.9.4] OpenRadio Mod Download


Have you ever thought that long-range wireless communication in OpenComputers is either too expensive or too overpowered? Well here you got your solution! OpenRadio Mod is an add-on for OpenComputers allows you to have line-of-sight, laser-based communication up to 4096 blocks.

OpenRadio Mod

OpenRadio Mod 2

Laser Socket

Laser Socket Crafting
ADC (Analogue to Digital Converter)
ADC Crafting
DSP (Digital Signal Processor)
DSP Crafting
Laser Crafting
Semi Reflective Mirror
Mirror Crafting
Photo Receptor
Photo Receptor Crafting


Laser Block Crafting
Lens Crafting

A little bit of math:

Base ranges and energy usage:

  • Laser Diode: 25RF/tick, 64 blocks base range.
  • CO2 Laser Tube: 50RF/tick, 128 blocks base range.
  • Nd:YAG Laser Tube: 100RF/tick, 256 blocks base range.

Range multipliers:

  • Base multiplier is 1.
  • Multipliers add up when multiple lenses are placed in the laser’s path.
  • Maximum range is 4069 blocks (calculated as follows: (Shaped Diamond Lens multiplier + 1)*2 * Nd:YAG Laser Tube range).
  • Glass Lens: adds 1 to the current multiplier.
  • Quartz Lens: adds 3 to the current multiplier.
  • Shaped Diamond Lens: adds 7 to the current multiplier.

All values can be adjusted in the config file!

How to install:

  • Download and install Minecraft Forge.
  • Download the mod.
  • Go to %appdata%.
  • Go to .minecraft/mods folder.
  • If one does not exist you can create one.
  • Drag and drop the downloaded jar (zip) file into it.
  • Enjoy the mod.

The post [1.9.4] OpenRadio Mod Download appeared first on Minecraft Forum.

[1.10.2] OpenRadio Mod Download


Have you ever thought that long-range wireless communication in OpenComputers is either too expensive or too overpowered? Well here you got your solution! OpenRadio Mod is an add-on for OpenComputers allows you to have line-of-sight, laser-based communication up to 4096 blocks.

OpenRadio Mod

OpenRadio Mod 2

Laser Socket

Laser Socket Crafting
ADC (Analogue to Digital Converter)
ADC Crafting
DSP (Digital Signal Processor)
DSP Crafting
Laser Crafting
Semi Reflective Mirror
Mirror Crafting
Photo Receptor
Photo Receptor Crafting


Laser Block Crafting
Lens Crafting

A little bit of math:

Base ranges and energy usage:

  • Laser Diode: 25RF/tick, 64 blocks base range.
  • CO2 Laser Tube: 50RF/tick, 128 blocks base range.
  • Nd:YAG Laser Tube: 100RF/tick, 256 blocks base range.

Range multipliers:

  • Base multiplier is 1.
  • Multipliers add up when multiple lenses are placed in the laser’s path.
  • Maximum range is 4069 blocks (calculated as follows: (Shaped Diamond Lens multiplier + 1)*2 * Nd:YAG Laser Tube range).
  • Glass Lens: adds 1 to the current multiplier.
  • Quartz Lens: adds 3 to the current multiplier.
  • Shaped Diamond Lens: adds 7 to the current multiplier.

All values can be adjusted in the config file!

How to install:

  • Download and install Minecraft Forge.
  • Download the mod.
  • Go to %appdata%.
  • Go to .minecraft/mods folder.
  • If one does not exist you can create one.
  • Drag and drop the downloaded jar (zip) file into it.
  • Enjoy the mod.

The post [1.10.2] OpenRadio Mod Download appeared first on Minecraft Forum.

[1.11.2] OpenRadio Mod Download


Have you ever thought that long-range wireless communication in OpenComputers is either too expensive or too overpowered? Well here you got your solution! OpenRadio Mod is an add-on for OpenComputers allows you to have line-of-sight, laser-based communication up to 4096 blocks.

OpenRadio Mod

OpenRadio Mod 2

Laser Socket

Laser Socket Crafting
ADC (Analogue to Digital Converter)
ADC Crafting
DSP (Digital Signal Processor)
DSP Crafting
Laser Crafting
Semi Reflective Mirror
Mirror Crafting
Photo Receptor
Photo Receptor Crafting


Laser Block Crafting
Lens Crafting

A little bit of math:

Base ranges and energy usage:

  • Laser Diode: 25RF/tick, 64 blocks base range.
  • CO2 Laser Tube: 50RF/tick, 128 blocks base range.
  • Nd:YAG Laser Tube: 100RF/tick, 256 blocks base range.

Range multipliers:

  • Base multiplier is 1.
  • Multipliers add up when multiple lenses are placed in the laser’s path.
  • Maximum range is 4069 blocks (calculated as follows: (Shaped Diamond Lens multiplier + 1)*2 * Nd:YAG Laser Tube range).
  • Glass Lens: adds 1 to the current multiplier.
  • Quartz Lens: adds 3 to the current multiplier.
  • Shaped Diamond Lens: adds 7 to the current multiplier.

All values can be adjusted in the config file!

How to install:

  • Download and install Minecraft Forge.
  • Download the mod.
  • Go to %appdata%.
  • Go to .minecraft/mods folder.
  • If one does not exist you can create one.
  • Drag and drop the downloaded jar (zip) file into it.
  • Enjoy the mod.

The post [1.11.2] OpenRadio Mod Download appeared first on Minecraft Forum.

[1.12] Rustic Mod Download


Rustic Mod is small mod that mainly adds medieval-themed decorations to the game, as well as some agricultural elements, like bees.


Current Features:

  • Bees
    • Hives generate in trees around the world
    • Bees reproduce in apiaries, where they also produce honeycomb
    • Apiaries with bees inside speed up nearby crop growth
  • Slate
    • Generates similarly to andesite, diorite, and granite
    • Can be used to make slate roofs
    • Can also be used to create various decorative blocks
  • Candles
    • Made from beeswax or tallow
  • Chandeliers
    • Fancy place to put torches or candles
  • Chains
    • Climbable, and decorative!
  • Clay Walls
    • Come in a few variants with different support beam patterns
  • Stone Pillars
    • Made of any of the 4 main stone types, and also slate
  • Pots
    • Decorative storage vessels
  • Tables
  • Chairs
    • You can sit in them, if you really want to
  • Barrels
    • Decorative Storage Vessels
  • Lattice
    • Can be right-clicked with leaves to add foliage
  • Painted Wood
    • Comes in all 16 colors
  • Lanterns
    • Decorative light sources
    • Can be places on the top, bottom, or sides of a block



Minecraft Forge

The post [1.12] Rustic Mod Download appeared first on Minecraft Forum.

[1.12] Open Glider Mod Download


Open Glider Mod adds a hang glider to Minecraft, allowing you to soar through the skies and explore your world’s beauty.


Notable Features

  • A fluid flight motion and naturally immersive controls.
  • A novel system of wind that you must combat to stay on course while in flight.
  • The ability to deploy the glider and have it visually appear, both in first person and in third person view, as well as to other players if you are playing on a server.
  • Aesthetically pleasing models and item sprites that change based on deployment.
  • It is specifically coded to be efficient and computer friendly.
  • Extremely configurable so that it can suit any playstyle.
    • Wind, damage, distance traveled, visual effects, and the nuances of those are all configurable, and can even be easily done in-game via the mod options config GUI.

More Informations:

Open Glider is the spiritual successor to Open Blocks‘ hang glider. Open Glider, however, has been rewritten, rebalanced, and refined for MC 1.10+.

In addition, there have been some notable changes to make this mod fit alongside Vanilla’s Elytra.Most notably this is handled by wind, a concept explained more in detail in the section below. For now simply know that great care has been taken to ensure that the hang glider still has a place in the game without overshadowing Vanilla mechanics. Open Glider aims to provide an earlier game alternative of imperfect, scenic flight to contrast with the elytra’s nature of a fast and agile end-game flight method.

To get started, craft the hang glider like so:


Next, you simply right click the hang glider item to deploy it. You will know it is deployed as the item will change to resemble bars, and the glider will be visible on your back in third-person mode or above your head in first-person perspective.

You can press shift and will increase your speed to fly faster, but note that this does come at the small cost of not quite as much overall distance traveled.

Now simply jump and glide away into the sunset!


The elytra is a nimble thing, able to propel the player. The hang glider is much larger, and therefore catches drafts of wind that the elytra does not. Unlike the elytra, the hang glider will deviate from its course, as wind may knock the player to the side.

Generally wind comes in gusts, and there are pockets of windy areas compared to sections of calm air. A prudent flyer will constantly correct his/her flight as they travel so as to stay on course.

Wind is affected by:

  • Speed of the player
    • By traveling quickly, the relative power of a sideways gust of wind is lessened due to havign so much forward momentum.
  • The weather (if it is raining or not)
    • Storms have been known to cause huge gusts; players must eb more vigilant if they wish to fly during a storm.
  • The height of the player
    • More powerful air currents are found high up in the sky, while staying close to the earth means there is less wind to buffet the player about
  • The durability of the glider
    • The more damaged the hang glider is, the more vulnerable it is to wind.

Of course, all of this is configurable.


The hang glider is damaged whenever it is used. Eventually, it will break and must be repaired in an anvil by using leather, similar to the elytra.

Advanced Hang Glider

For those of you who like the mechanics of flight as provided by this mod, there is now a late game option as well. The advanced hang glider’s crafting recipe contains an elytra (forcing you to choose between flight preferences, albeit temporarily) and is much faster, wind resistant, and durable than the normal variant.


Minecraft Forge

How to install:

  1. Make sure you have already installed Minecraft Forge.
  2. Locate the minecraft application folder.
    • On windows open Run from the start menu, type %appdata% and click Run.
    • On mac open finder, hold down ALT and click Go then Library in the top menu bar. Open the folder Application Support and look for Minecraft.
  3. Place the mod you have just downloaded (.jar file) into the Mods folder.
  4. When you launch Minecraft and click the mods button you should now see the mod is installed.

The post [1.12] Open Glider Mod Download appeared first on Minecraft Forum.

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